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Thursday, October 03, 2019

'This is offensive!': Math problem that compares girls' weights angers student, parent

A fourth-grader at a Utah elementary school says a problem on her math homework was offensive.

The math problem compared girls' weights, KSTU reports.

“I didn’t like that because girls shouldn’t be comparing each other. I know it was a math problem … but I don’t think that was really OK," 9-year-old Rhythm told KSTU.

The question read as follows: "The table to the right shows the weight of three Grade 4 students. How much heavier is Isabell than the lightest student?"



  1. I demand the principal and teacher to be fired immediately live on tv. Also evicted from their homes. Maybe pay for a safe space for the dumb kid who can’t spell. Thank you.

  2. Can you imagine the political correctness that this 4th grader must be surrounded with to think in such a way? Nothing on that paper was comparing one girl to another, or making judgments about them. It's just math problems!!

  3. In addition, this school (or child) apparently needs an emphasis on spelling... Some schools aren't teaching it anymore. Not good.

  4. Stop eating fat ass!

  5. Dumb and dumber. The progressive way of life.

  6. simply mark the answer wrong and move on......

  7. 6:53,

    America is loaded with people who could star in the movie reboot "Dumb and Dumber."

    And play both roles....

  8. A few better questions would have been.

    Nancy Palosi takes a crap, it weighs as much a young congresswoman, who is it?

    Rosie O'Donnell is the weight of how many Beluga Whales?

    Hillary Clinton has been left alone for the weekend, her adult Diaper has not been changed since Friday afternoon, how big a load is her diaper carrying?

    1. Hey 2:18, I like the way you're thinking

  9. Pay no attention to the FACT that a large number of children are fat (or on their way to disability because they can't stop at just 3 bags of chips).
    Let's talk about their self-esteem.
    Their feelings.
    And there, in a nutshell, is why they can't spell, add, write, or think logically.
    But, until they hit the REAL world, they feel spectacular!!

    Keep cheering.

  10. 2:18

    My answers are


    2 1/2 whales

    46 pounds

  11. Kids are so Fat today they even made a TV show about one.
    Mom was "June" and the fat kid was known as "Honey Boo Boo".


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