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Thursday, October 03, 2019

Seven killed in WWII-era bomber plane crash

Seven people have been killed after a WWII-era bomber plane crashed following problems on take-off.

The plane struggled to get into the air and crashed into a maintenance shed at Bradley International Aiport, Connecticut, as it attempted to land.

The B-17 bomber, which was carrying 10 passengers and three crew members, crashed at around 10am local time.



  1. May God rest their soulsOctober 3, 2019 at 10:13 PM

    It is a difficult plane to land with a rear tail tire ....

    according to those I knew who are familiar with that aircraft

  2. Sad but to me the B17 is still the coolest plane ever made

  3. What a shame to loose one of the last dozen flyable B-17's. The flying fortress bristling with its machineguns to help defeat the Nazi's.

  4. Probably en route to North Korea with an A bomb.

  5. 11:18
    It is sad to lose such a fine killing machine as you pointed out.

    Also 7 humans were killed

  6. This B-17 loss is like losing a hero who stormed the beaches at Normandy. There are so few left this was truly a loss for the whole world. Without these beautiful big airplanes the world would be all speaking German!

  7. 10:02
    You obviously don’t understand what the war was about. Germany was to be taken down because of its strong industry and intelligent population.

    Hitler sold them out. He was financed by Union Bank in NY where George Herbert Walker and Prescott Bush worked. The intelligence for the war ran both sides out of Yale’s Skull & Bones (Order of the Death’s Head 322).

    1. Hahahaha ...... now that's funny I don't care who you are

  8. 1:54, let us all know what you're smoking so we can stay way the he!! away from it...

  9. The Nazi/Democrats were trying to take over all of Europe, and we had to stop them. The USA being the "Arsenal of Democracy" built hundreds of these to help kill this world threat.
    God bless the "Greatest Generation". Today's kids can't even get out of parents basement to ever fight a war. Said this plane will never fly again.

  10. They called for a surrender of guns. They promised Jobs and good income for everyone. They gave out orders to kill those that opposed them. They lied and cheated at the countries elections. They called those they didn't like names.
    (sounds a lot like the Democrats today)

    This was the Nazi's in 1934. They ended up almost concurring all of Europe! This weapon of war was hugely responsible for the Nazi defeat. The B-17 and those brave boy that flew those missions, had real guts! Very sad we lost this plane, a real national treasure.

  11. Northwest Woodsman: Just remember that in war, the winners write the history. We have never gotten the whole gory truth about that war and the allied, including Russia, atrocities that would have led to war crimes levied against them.

  12. They built 12,731 of them 5:17!!


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