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Saturday, October 26, 2019

North Carolina Sanctuary County Expected to Free Illegal Child Rapists

The sanctuary county of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, is expected to release from custody two illegal aliens charged with raping children and an illegal alien accused of trafficking heroin, according to federal immigration officials.

At least a handful of illegal aliens are in Mecklenburg County custody, including those accused of child rape and drug trafficking, but could eventually be released due to the region’s sanctuary policy, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials said on Friday.

Those currently in Mecklenburg County custody include illegal alien Alejandro Gomez-Cervantes who was arrested on May 11 and charged with five counts of indecent liberties with a child, three counts of statutory sex offense with a child, and statutory rape of a child. ICE placed a detainer on Gomez-Cervantes, and his next court date is October 28.

Also in custody is illegal alien Rigoberto Murcia-Martinez who was arrested on April 16 and charged with three counts of indecent liberties with a child, two counts of statutory sex offense with a child, and statutory rape of a child. ICE placed a detainer on Murcia-Martinez and, at the time of his arrest, he had already been ordered deported.

Illegal alien Jasmine Villareal has been in Mecklenburg County custody since March 21 when she was arrested and charged with three counts of trafficking opium or heroin and possession of a stolen firearm. Her next court date is November 5.

“The only persons protected by these misguided policies are criminals as the only way a person is subject to a detainer is if they’ve been arrested for a crime beyond anything to do with their immigration status,” Acting ICE Director Matt Albence said in a statement.



  1. If the government won't do their job, some good ole boys from the great state of north carolina should step up and slowly painfully kill him and drop him in the dismal swamp

  2. Someone should be there to greet this POS.

  3. The only problem is that when the good ole boys do this they will be charged with murder. And there will be no Stupid Sanctuary Law to cover them. How can we let our cities and counties do this. There has to be a way to stop this insanity. But I don't reckon it will happen until an Illegal does harm to the family of one of our politicians. Then they will want change.

    1. No body no murder and there is no legal record of them being here to begin with, they could be anywhere!

  4. Cut all federal funds off to all the state's and let them woller in the mudhole they create

    1. This is what the majority want but since when did politicians listen to what the majority want in this country? If it was a small fringe group who wanted the funding stopped it would have been done long ago!!

  5. Your "leaders" have totally forgotten who they "represent".
    The ONLY thing that will remind them is the sight of the rope and a man approaching them with the intention of draping it around his neck.

    We need leaders who represent their CONSTITUENTS, not some child predator from Bolivia or an illiterate single mother of 5 from El Salvador (NONE of whom c)an read or write English).

    Represent AMERICANS or suffer the rope.

    Keep cheering (until it's YOUR 10 year old daughter gang raped by these angels from the south.)

  6. To late we been played for decades..they hate trump because he is exposing the real rats here. The real rats ...Every dam bloody incumbent still claiming to represent the people. Vote to oust every POS after 3 terms done...

  7. Quit doin' this...quit doin' that...BULLS**T!! Quit payin' taxes!! And let the idiot liberal bast**ds know why!!


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