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Saturday, October 26, 2019

Michael Flynn’s Lawyers Claim Lisa Page Altered FBI Interview Record to Frame Him

Lawyers for former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn reportedly filed a motion on Thursday in which they allege that the Department of Justice manipulated a document to frame their client and is withholding exculpatory evidence.

The apparent “sealed” filing, dated October 24, 2019, was posted to social media on Thursday evening.

The filing by Flynn’s new legal team, which took over the case several weeks ago, argues that the Federal Bureau of Investigation conducted an “ambush-interview” of Flynn in the White House not to discover any evidence of criminal activity, but to coax him into making false statements.

The new defense filing alleges that the government is refusing to turn over a mountain of potentially exculpatory evidence, some of which has begun to emerge in the media — either through leaks or through ongoing inquiries into the origins of the probe into alleged Russia “collusion” with the Trump campaign, later found not to exist.

That evidence, Flynn’s legal team alleges, includes an apparent admission by former FBI lawyer Lisa Page — who resigned after being discovered having an affair with agent Peter Strzok, with whom she shared anti-trump texts — that she had edited the 302 — something that she allegedly told FBI investigators she did not recall, the filing states.

The edits, the filing alleges, were substantive: they included a claim that Flynn said he did not discuss any sanctions with the Russian ambassador. Flynn’s lawyers allege he merely told the FBI he did not recall, and that the claim he said otherwise was added only after a transcript of his discussion with the ambassador had been leaked to the media.

In a footnote, the filing adds that former FBI general counsel James Baker “is believed to be the person who illegally leaked the transcript of Mr. Flynn’s calls to [Washington Post reporter David] Ignatius.” It also alleges that former National Intelligence Director James Clapper told Ignatius to “take the kill shot on Flynn.”



  1. Not surprised, commicrats are liars

  2. Democrats running a criminal enterprise paid for by taxpayers to enrich themselves and others.


  3. I'll be amazed if it actually happens, but there are quite a few people involved in this that should end up doing some significant prison time.

  4. It's not a claim, it's verified by Lisa Page's text messages to her lover.

    1. Lover ?

      you mean Hillary was her lover

  5. This is great, they are finally turning on each other. Get the popcorn ready.


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