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Saturday, October 26, 2019

Democrats Continue to Hide Whistleblower Identity

Adam Schiff, chairman of the powerful House Intelligence Committee, lied about his contact with the so-called whistleblower. He’s been holding closed-door hearings to keep the Democrats’ impeachment efforts shrouded in secrecy. And he’s had the gall to say the whistleblower may not need to testify because other witnesses are proving to be damning enough. But we’re supposed to believe Democrats are conducting their attempted impeachment coup on the up and up.

Nearly two weeks ago, Schiff was already hinting that the whistleblower’s testimony “might not be necessary.” Several Democrats involved in the impeachment “inquiry” are now insisting it’s not necessary. “It’s quite clear we have a surfeit of evidence that corroborates in full every aspect of what happened,” said Rep. Gerald E. Connolly (D-VA). Rep. Jamie B. Raskin (D-MD) added, “The whistleblower will go down in history as a hero for kicking off this process. But the whistleblower is no longer integral to the investigation in any way.”



  1. They say it's not necessary because they have nothing. That is why they are hiding in a kangaroo court. The whistle blower, if they have are a democrat is a liar as all of them are liars, cheaters, thieves and nurderers. They are shaking in their boots for two reasons. The first is they can't stop trump in 2020. The second is without removing trump, they know their whole party is going down big time with many of them heading to jail. I for one would rather them not go to jail, but be hung in the streets, after their trial of course. Maybe we should hold their trials behind closed doors without them having anyway to defend themselves

  2. They say it's not necessary because they have nothing. That is why they are hiding in a kangaroo court. The whistle blower, if they have are a democrat is a liar as all of them are liars, cheaters, thieves and nurderers. They are shaking in their boots for two reasons. The first is they can't stop trump in 2020. The second is without removing trump, they know their whole party is going down big time with many of them heading to jail. I for one would rather them not go to jail, but be hung in the streets, after their trial of course. Maybe we should hold their trials behind closed doors without them having anyway to defend themselves

  3. There is doubt that an actual whistleblower even exists.

  4. Just made up lies, because all democrooks are liars, cheaters thieves and murderers. I will continue to post this until the moderate democrooks wake up, if there are any moderates left, and drop the communist party

  5. Democrats aren't just liars they are also stupid. They hate America and that pesky document called the constitution.

  6. You can’t ask Ukraine for the missing DNC server that is definitely impeachable lol

  7. ...because there is no whistleblower, just another DNC Communist operative being paid to frame the President so they can have their media coup. They literally are continuing the sham and Americans are gullible enough to believe it. Wow.

  8. It’s scary that Democrats just make up anything and have the power of the government to back them.

  9. I'm beginning to believe that there is NO whistle blower. Just a bunch of crap designed for the sole purpose of making Trump look bad in the eyes of as many voters as they possibly can. Maybe you have noticed that they never have any proof of any claims they make against President Trump.


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