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Sunday, September 01, 2019

Internet Wrecks Obamas Over $15 Million Martha’s Vineyard Estate

The man who spent eight years lecturing Americans about the evils of wealth and economic inequality, and fear mongered about global warming and climate change is reportedly set to buy a nearly $15 million beachfront Martha's Vineyard estate.

According to TMZ, former President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle are in escrow for the multimillion-dollar mansion currently owned by the NBA's Boston Celtics owner Wyc Grousbeck. "The former Prez and First Lady have been renting the house this summer and loved it so much, we've learned they made an offer. The property is listed at $14,850,000. Our sources say they're paying less, but we don't know how much," the report says.

The mansion is nearly 6,900 square feet, complete with seven bedrooms, a pool, outdoor fireplace, second-floor balcony jacuzzi, boathouse, and two guest wings, per TMZ.



  1. Damn. There goes the neighborhood

  2. do as I say, not as I do! typical full of sh!t leftie!

  3. The author doesn’t understand the reverse psychology being used against the population.

    Exactly because Barry Sorteo was so obviously compromised, intelligence knew the American population would fail to believe him. Then he told the truth about many topics and the public rejected the truth.

    It really is hilarious.
    The population doesn’t know which end is up!

  4. The author doesn’t understand the reverse psychology being used against the population.

    Exactly because Barry Sorteo was so obviously compromised, intelligence knew the American population would fail to believe him. Then he told the truth about many topics and the public rejected the truth.

    It really is hilarious.
    The population doesn’t know which end is up!

    1. By your statement, me either... sorry...

    2. Obama Crooked BastardoAugust 27, 2019 at 10:33 PM

      Oh, reverse sociology, really? It's very simple - American Public in 2008 was Sold Out for Con-Artist with Big Bag of Buls&$@ called "Hope & Change". And it was Barry Soetoro, not Sorteo. Everyone thought it was gonna be Change for Better and instead We Got Change For Worse. While Barack aka Barry and his"wife" Michael aka Moochelle were waving rainbow flags from the White House, laughing all the way to the bank. "Bankrupt America"? Yes We Can! What Global Warming? Michael and I, are buying the 15 million $$$ Mansion at the beach.
      Thanks Sheeple and Don't forget to buy our books!

  5. If Obama truly believed in global warming and sea level rise he would not have paid that much money for a house on an island in the Atlantic Ocean, would he? Can you say, "hypocrite"?

  6. I doubt Barry ever told any truths the whole time he was in there. He was to busy chasing his boy toy around the White HOuse

  7. All I know is that woman wasn’t and he pretended to be born where he wasn’t and the whole charade made a mockery of POTUS

    Ditto for the current Bozo actor


  8. Don't all Commie big wigs have dachas in resort areas? Plus he got to keep his phone and pen. Moochie can plant a nice garden.

  9. LOL So the Obama's are not supposed to enjoy their wealth? Or is it, they are not allowed to live by the water? I'm confused by all the Anti-Obama Rule Changes. Its especially funny that those making up these rules are the same ones that lambasted the Obama's for spending Christmas vacation in HI, yet they are quiet as US tax dollars support Trump weekly trips to FL.

    1. uhbama is a hypocritic.
      trump earned all his money BEFORE being president.
      go back to your mommys basement, and let the adults have a conversation.

  10. There goes the neighborhood. I remember when he was first elected and they went there on vacation some residents referred to MO as ghetto. They may think they fit in and are liked but not with those people They will be nice to their faces but behind their backs they will be referred to as what they are ghetto garbage.

  11. When Obama was in office if his lips were moving he was lying.

  12. 10:05 You hit it on the head everything they have said is lies both of them. Her book was a joke and her giving her interview about her life on TV was a joke she was pointing out the home she grew up in as poor people, obviously she has no clue as to what poor people actually have. They left the White House to buy a home within sight of the White House a little pricey for people who claimed they never had any $. Now they can afford this place? What an example they are setting for their daughters always running down the current president who made his own fortune prior to the White House and has taken no salary while in office, just trying to make a difference for the rest of us. I wonder if they will still invite Al Sharpton over 60 times to the new $15 million dollar home. And all this from a man who has never proven he was even an American, but was our president. They should both be behind bars with the Clintons !



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