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Sunday, September 01, 2019


In doing this documentary about my sister, I hope to finally move on. Telling the truth about what really happened to Sarah is my main goal here. Nothing more and nothing less. Thank You.


  1. SHAME on the Dirtbag DA and prison official for allowing him to get out after 6 months of a 7 yr sentence.

    1. When is this a documentary coming on tv ? Date and time please, and will it be provided on a local channel ?

  2. Hate to say this but it's True , Shame on the family for ALLOWING A KNOWN SEX OFFENDER in there Lives.

  3. So sorry for your loss .. God bless r baker

  4. Beautiful child. Tragic loss. I will watch this because I think much of our community still needs closure. Prayers.

  5. Will we ever hear the real facts with the court case?


  7. Her murder was one of the saddest things to ever happen in Salisbury and to add to that they took away the death penalty in Maryland, down right stupid and you would serve more time for the death of an animal than a little girl. May her murderer meet his real justice on the outside, even criminals serve out more justice than our laws and courts.

  8. So sorry for all the siblings of Sarah's he needed the death penalty which Maryland stopped, but also and it needs to be said your mother brought him into your lives. Mothers need to know who you bring into the lives of your children and never, ever take up with a child molester, sex offender, their is no excuse for the choices she made. But you the children were blameless and innocent may God Bless you and hold you close always, may you go forward to be one of the voices of reason we need more. God Bless and bring healing every day.

  9. When did he get out of prison? He got life without parole I thought?

  10. is that scum bag out of prison?

  11. i just looked it up he is still behind bars...no chances at parole....he is listed on sex offender list and is still listed as incarserated....

  12. I heard he was transferred to a COLORADO jail. Maybe another felon will carve him up.If there was ever a case for a PUBLIC EXECUTION THOMAS LEGGS is it.BURNING AT THE STAKES WOULD BE APPROPRIATE considering what he did to SARAH.

  13. You morons have no idea what ur talking about. No, he is not out of prison. What they are talking about is the fact that he had broken into a woman’s apartment in oc and was masturbating in front of her when she called the police. He was arrested and release by the commissioner. Out on this charge when he murderer Sarah.

    1. YOUR the moron we are talking about when he was Arrested and sent away for seven years and only did 7 MONTHS fie a sex offence then met the CLUELESS MOTHER WHO ALLOWED HIM INTO HER LIFE.

    2. *offense. Moron.

  14. 9:06
    What “real facts” are you taking about? It’s public record. He got life plus 85 years. No chance of parole

  15. Glad that's been explained. Didn't think anyone would
    get out of prison in a few months, convicted of Murder.

  16. What was the name of that sex offender in Salisbury that kept getting off because his family was well known here in Salisbury? His first name was Terry, I believe. Plus I think he was gay. Was it Terry White? A member of the family that owned White and Leonard's. What ever happened to him? Last I heard he moved out of town or his family took him out of town.

  17. The coverage of this story was appalling. FROM EVERYONE!!

  18. TERRY WHITE died a few years ago. I believe he died in a Baltimore hospital.I understand He didn't get off but was committed to a facility.I knew his dad and his sister. NICE PEOPLE. We shouldn't be blamed for acts for our sick relatives.Very few families are exempt from having a weirdo among them.

  19. The sad fact is she would have never been found alive. By the time the police where notified this child had been murdered and savagely sexually abused. With that said no parent could have anticipated this type of evil being set upon one of their children. As with all major cases like this way to many media whores had a hand in leading the investigation. The true heroes here are Sarah Foxwell and her younger sister. I do not know if this docu-series will contain all the facts or truths in this matter. There seems to be a looming question as to when Sheriff Lewis was provided the actual G.P.S.tracking information of Legg's cellphone. Did he have them and allow the search to continue for his own camera time? That information pin pointed where Legg's spent time at certain locations. On Christmas day Lewis sent a hand picked group out to locate the child using the cell phone information.


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