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Sunday, September 01, 2019

Former Salisbury Mayor & Councilman To Pack Up And Leave Salisbury

Even the paint on the rainbow colored cross walks tend to fade and go away but it says an awful lot when your former Mayor put his house up for sale to allegedly move to Rehoboth. I'm told there's 5 homes for sale on his block alone. Oh well, don't let the door hit you on your way out Jimmy. 


  1. If he's considering switching to the adult escort career field, there is a broader market in Rehobeth.

  2. A few will be sad, while many more will be happy to see him go. He was a waste of everyone's time and energy.

  3. Didn't the x president of SU also leave?

  4. Lots of the business owners live outside of the city limits too.
    People need to wakey wakey up.

  5. So the liberal decrees his home values then moves. Liberalism 101.

  6. Just go away and take Day with you.


  7. Proactive firetrucks in case Jimbeau spontaneously combusts?

  8. What a manipulator!

  9. Really ? A gay mayor lived in a crappy old house on a street like that ? No wonder he moved on.

  10. Queer city here he comes

  11. Ireton kept that house looking like an anonymous rental property.

    1. That he did. I had to drop something off to him one day and I knew he was home but he wouldn’t answer the door. I text messaged him to let him know I was leaving it in the mailbox and he never acknowledged so F*** Him! I knew then he wasn’t much of a friend.

  12. This is no way to respect a mayor who did more than Day has done during I hope his last term. Ireton didn't let the city go and look like it does today, Day has created one construction disaster after another and nothing ever gets completed except painted sidewalks, roundabouts, a failed Main Street beautification, and his overwhelming desire to make this the "next Inner Harbor". What are you fools thinking before Day leaves office and we find out what funds were made over the last festival and the 2nd fast approaching, the orange bicycles and what they cost and then cost again to get rid of them. The 400+ Canadian Geese he had euthanized, and still don't know exactly where their bodies went, the cost of all the ill planned bike paths, all the businesses he was to have brought here and more than ever are gone, the cost for attorney fees for getting rid of an attorney and getting him back. The trash that was supposed to have been paid for by the city for the 1st contractors hired, that they are still owed which was their deal from Jake and the City Council. MARK MY WORDS YOU'LL BE SORRY IRETON IS GONE AND ALL YOU HAVE IS BOY WONDER WANNA BE!

  13. Looks like he didn't do it right.

    Doesn't jake live in a 1/2 million dollar house that is in his daddy's name?

    Guess Ireton was less crooked.

    1. Wow. 353k paid for by daddy? Tax records have it in daddy’s name.

    2. Day’s father is an executive. Iretons pops is in jail for rape. Genetics are a blessing

  14. Most of the elite of SBY live outside the city limits. Look, even the Mayor’s parents live outside the city on the river on River Banks. Look, AIAA is a problem for the area.

  15. Yep, Saw Brian Records doing the campaigning for Jake Day with the other Farmin. His pic is on the city’s FB page and he is trying to stand back away like no one would notice him.

  16. In all of the years I've known him I've never seen him actually get his hands dirty or do something for someone that would.

  17. Anonymous said...
    In all of the years I've known him I've never seen him actually get his hands dirty or do something for someone that would.

    August 29, 2019 at 9:55 AM

    You wouldn't unless you had eyes in the back of your head.

  18. Manure Bota, BWAHAHAHA... What a FAT DORK! Fake Republican. He doesn't even deserve the title of RINO!!

  19. 2:51 PM, yes he did, he moved to Fruitland after Jim accidentally won and then announced he was running for Congress. This $hithole, Ghetto'Bury is loaded with cockroaches who will vote for anything gay, queer or ghetto. I don't blame him for moving away.

  20. Actually someone needs to request what taxpayer monies are being spent on the folk festival. What total cost of the folk festival vs income.... where did all the monies come from to cover the cost of the folk festival, this should include any city employees being paid comp time or overtime.....

  21. All I can say is good luck unloading any residential property in the city. Anyone in their right mind would have packed up a ran after the transition from tilghman to Ireton let alone now that Day has put his mark mark in what was left of Salisbury. You've completely transformed from a city of employees like dresser Wayne, campbell soup, perdue, crown Cork and seal to a city of government dependant cesspool. The city streets are littered with alcoholic and addicts everywhere. Great job Jake Day in ten years Salisbury will be done!!

  22. A viewer writes -

    Don't believe everything you see, hear or read on Nextdoor.

    Appears the local "nextdoor" platform is simply an extended arm of the Day political machine. A member asked the question - who is Wayne King, to which other members chirped in with, "never spoke to him but I heard", "a friend of a friend told me", "never met the guy but I was told", all rumors and gossip.

    A couple of members stood up for the guy and politely squashed the innuendo only to have their comments quickly deleted.

    One asked where their comments went, only to be deleted.

    Michele Gregory whined about Mr. Kings "rabid followers" only to be outted for her social media antics - those comments swiftly deleted.

    I guess the moderators want their members to be uninformed and uneducated.

    So much for civil discourse.

    Some time this spring, Wayne King was kicked off the site for talking politics. A few complained because they found it uninteresting and detracted from their rants on feral cats, but I guess the topic is back on the approved list since the topic is him?

  23. No one in their right mind would ever want to live in Salisbury. It's gross. One end you are greeted by a stinky slaughter house and the rest is so ghetto. Only trashy people like Day and that thing he is married to would ever consider raising children there. But what do you expect with someone who kills geese the way he did. His wife should be ashamed but only low life immoral skanks would ever hive him a 2nd look Horrid people The worst society has to offer and piss poor examples of parents teaching child to kill unnecessarily. Shame on them and shame on their families for being failures as parents.

  24. Zillow has it pending. It not a bad house but Salisbury????? No one in their right mind would want to live in Salisbury. The shame is the home hasn't increased in value. Ive not seen that with a home already so low priced to begin with.

  25. Ireton is smarter then most think. Salisbury is going to continue to deteriorate and he got out while getting out is still an option. Looks like he is losing a bit on the home but mark my word-someone could buy the home for 150,000-155,000 put another 100 grand into it and in 5 yrs the house is only going to be worth 100,000 if the seller is lucky. Though the buyer could be an investor and it's going to be another rental. Salisbury is the Rental Capital of the Country which is always a bad thing.

    1. Blah blah blah. I believe you've posted this exact same post when everyone who FINALLY realize people of Salisbury aren't worth the trouble. You all bitch about EVERYTHING. But you are always gonna be here. Now that's SAD.

  26. @11:20 prime example house just went up for sale @1101 Riverside drive for 595,000. The bad thing is the guy bought the house 25+ years ago for 650,000. It's just sad what Jake Day, Blair Rinnier, Cannon, and all the other greedy bastards in Salisbury have done to this city. People are willing to take 100,000+ losses on the biggest investment they have just to get out of this city/state

    1. That’s county not city. College ave is the line tuff guy

    2. Sorry @8:36 that's ALL Considered city services there douchebag!! Like it matters of it's city/county it's all Salisbury/wicomico county and your property is worth nothing but rental value. Why does the area receive city services and city mail delivery then know it all?

    3. Salisbury city is considered all the way to shad point road and all the roads from Riverside toward Camden avenue. They receive city services yet don't pay city taxes, been that way for 40 years or more!! You might want to check up on your city knowledge before you go mouthing off about things you think you know

  27. 11:20 Doubtful Ireton lost any money. He uses grants to buy a house...stays in them the alloted time and gets another grant to buy another one.

  28. Hey Ireton can you take the rest of the mindless, spineless bunch with you?? Heath, Day, Jackson, Stevenson, Boda, it's absolutely disgusting to watch you idiots destroy Salisbury for your own personal agendas

    1. Gee another city employee bitching about the BOSS. Wow. That's a FIRST. LMAO.


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