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Sunday, September 01, 2019

Question Of The Day 8-29-19


  1. What ever my mom and dad tell me to do.

  2. If I’m going back in time, I’m going to kick my own 15 year old a$$ !!!!

  3. Twirling my baton out on the football field during halftime.

  4. Went to Asbury Church in Salisbury for their Friday night dance. Was usually really crowded. This was 1973.

  5. Doing my homework for Monday so I can be free all weekend. I dont think kids today have homework.

  6. Dancing to music at the old Transmedia in Pocomoke.

  7. Stealing some booze from my dad and going to the teen club drunk , I was an alcoholic at 13 years old. Don't miss the booze now 76 years old.

  8. Walking up hill, both ways, barefoot, to my third job, carrying my little brother on my back, while doing my homework.

  9. Surfing until sunset. Mornings and evenings were always the best time!

  10. bowling on a Church league with my father!

  11. Going to Skate Land here in Salisbury!

  12. Huffing on boathorn air in my friend's attic.

  13. We were stateside, so likely in a field with my friends and a couple of bottles of malt. This was the late 80's.

  14. Working at the steak house. Friday nights are busy until after eleven when the race track closes. I'll get home by one or two then come back at ten to to cleanup and prep work. Saturday night will be the same thing.

  15. I'm up to no good, hanging with my friends, riding around with whoever has their license.

  16. Sitting back with Mom and Dad and my sisters getting ready to watch some Friday night TV! We lived in the sticks...there was nothing else to do.

    Actually, now that I'm much older and Dad and one of my Sister's are gone to be our Heavenly Father what I wouldn't give to go back to those days!

  17. I was doing the things I tell the Grandkids not to do.

  18. Smoking pot and drinking beer and trying to get laid! Yea, life was good back then! Party all the time and no worries!

  19. Working at the Ponderosa Steak House as a dishwasher in Bel Air after football practice.

    1. 6:05-I went to C. Milton Wright in Bel Air. Worked at the Horn and Horn Smorgesboard

  20. Roll of quarters and me headed to the arcade

  21. Hey 3:09, Sounds very familiar.
    Add on smoking,drinking beer and buying condoms from gas station restroom vending machines. Somehow turned out ok and lived to tell about it.

  22. Same as every other night. Do chores, finish the milking, in the house by 7 or so, read awhile, go to bed.

  23. getting laid at the drive-in movie.

  24. 6:05, I loved that Ponderosa!!! I went to the rival school tho.

  25. Camping out most likely,or watching a western that came on at 9 where Walter Brennan was a gunfighter and had 2 sons who were also gunfighters.I can't recall what the name of that show was.Saturday night Lawrence Welk was mandatory.

  26. Baltimore City - 1964:
    Myself and Jimmy scored a six-pack of Country Club, purchased by our local wino; hitchhiked to a Towson corner hangout; got into a fight with the "local" guys; bummed some money to get a couple of Little Tavern Death Balls; found a ride home around midnight.
    Got my butt kicked for being late.
    Repeated this on Saturday.

  27. I was in the marching band in high school so it was football and matching in the halftime show.


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