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Sunday, September 01, 2019

A Viewer Writes.......Why Is This Allowed?

Where is code compliance?  Look at the weeds, I guess it's ok because his sign is there. Camden & South Boulevard


  1. Wait till about 8:30 at night and then...

  2. You want to see weeds look along the railroad tracks next to BJ Pawn Shop 4-5' across from the Acme store and all along Rt 13 South till you get to Fruitland. And isn't the Festival to start the 5th? Main Street still not done and rt hand side of 13 across from the Ampitheatre did we loose another contractor? This is worse than the city looked last year, how many promises has Jake made about all would be completed? But we do have all the foolishness painted sidewalks, round abouts, bike paths, Concrete barricades, rusty metal signs 'AMPITHEATRE" yep looking good Jake. Another feather in your cap wait till November bye, bye.

  3. has anyone else noticed the increasing number of homeless people hanging around the are of Cary Louie's and the ACME parking lot as well?

  4. I was thinking the same thing as I drove by there this morning on the way to work...what happened to the construction crews across from the nicely rusted AMPHITHEATER "art"? The weeds are horrible looking and absolutely ruin the whole effect of our downtown revitalization. I'm appalled. So, we can't pay the construction crews, at least we can keep the weeds under control!

  5. I was just thinking about that yesterday 10:45, I pass that intersection 4 times a day. When are they going to take care of the weeds growing on the sidewalk across Rt 13 from the "Ampitheatre"?. What about the botched up side of Rt 13 South in front of Goodwill, Checkers etc? The sidewalks are torn up so bad that people in wheelchairs/walkers cannot maneuver them, but we are putting bike lanes in all over the place. Meanwhile... they are tearing up the northbound side by the S-curve at the same time???? How about you fix up that garbage before you pull funds to put in non-necessary crap like bike lanes?

  6. Along the road that runs parallel to Popeyes the weeds are 5 foot tall. What the Hell are these city employees doing all day. Overgrown weeds are horrible throughout the 'Bury.

  7. heck they have people down 349 with signs in their yard

  8. All the city employees are designated to the annual f** festival. Who's the department head at the city of Salisbury that overlooks the city maintenance?

  9. Won’t matter. Jake wins in a rout. Sad but true.


  10. Anonymous said...
    Won’t matter. Jake wins in a rout. Sad but true.

    August 28, 2019 at 12:54 PM

    What are you doing to make sure this doesn't happen?? Are you doing your part??

  11. Same thing happened last year. It's balls to the walls only during Day's freak festival focusing all resources leading up to this then Stevenson will get his head out of Day's ass and focus on cleaning the city up again. You have some pathetic leaders within your city government

  12. Looks like this woman reamed Jake Day a new one....


    City of Salisbury, Md Facebook Page

    Do you recommend City of Salisbury, Maryland?
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    Sharon Walton doesn't recommend City of Salisbury, Maryland.
    August 21 at 10:46 AM ·

    Why don't they do something humane and investigate the animal abuse and cruelty at Super Pet in Salisbury?! instead of a freaking music festival and paintings on buildings!

    These animals don't care about music and art. They care about food and water and not suffering.

    Do something! It's not like you don't know! But I guess that's not as attention getting, you pompous, narcissistic, pretentious, elitist jerk!

    Yeah you!

  13. Went to the ACME the other day around 4:30 p.m. and saw a male sleeping next to the ACME using a metal step as his pillow.

  14. All the street people hanging out at Acme is because Halo, where they go eat, is right behind Acme so until the doors open they just hang out in that shopping center.

  15. August 28, 2019 at 1:28 PM

    Like there is another choice? (Please don't give me WK)

  16. 1:45 That lady needs to get a job and a life.

  17. STOP the round about before it gets built. Such a waste...

    1. Jake Day is blaming it on the State of Maryland and going to build it anyway. Carrol Street is not the responsibility of the State highway so don’t fall for his Bull$hit!!

  18. 11:37 If we all remember Jake said all the homeless and pan handlers were going to receive jobs and they all would be working for $10 an hour and they would not be on the streets anymore! Oh my another lie by Jake, what happened to that plan fail, lie much?

  19. The weeds & tall grass behind Acme & beside the Pawn Shop are on the Railroad property. They are responsible for cutting that........why hasn't the City enforced the weed cutting?

  20. Anonymous said...
    Went to the ACME the other day around 4:30 p.m. and saw a male sleeping next to the ACME using a metal step as his pillow.

    August 28, 2019 at 2:04 PM

    Welcome to Jake Day's da 'Bury!

  21. Salisbury doesn’t have code enforcement anymore.

  22. Anonymous said...
    1:45 That lady needs to get a job and a life.

    August 28, 2019 at 4:34 PM

    Jake, What makes you think that lady doesn't have a job and a life? Why the Hell do you have to be so rude?

    That lady is right on the money!

  23. A viewer writes -

    Don't believe everything you see, hear or read on Nextdoor.

    Appears the local "nextdoor" platform is simply an extended arm of the Day political machine. A member asked the question - who is Wayne King, to which other members chirped in with, "never spoke to him but I heard", "a friend of a friend told me", "never met the guy but I was told", all rumors and gossip.

    A couple of members stood up for the guy and politely squashed the innuendo only to have their comments quickly deleted.

    One asked where their comments went, only to be deleted.

    Michele Gregory whined about Mr. Kings "rabid followers" only to be outted for her social media antics - those comments swiftly deleted.

    I guess the moderators want their members to be uninformed and uneducated.

    So much for civil discourse.

    Some time this spring, Wayne King was kicked off the site for talking politics. A few complained because they found it uninteresting and detracted from their rants on feral cats, but I guess the topic is back on the approved list since the topic is him?


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