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Sunday, September 01, 2019

Divorce Filing: Wife Says Democrat Consultant Had Affair with Ilhan Omar

The wife of a Democrat consultant alleges her husband engaged in an extramarital affair with freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) in recent months, according to a report.

The New York Post, citing divorce filings obtained by the newspaper, reports Dr. Beth Jordan Mynett said her husband Tim Mynett admitted to having an affair with Omar in April. Dr. Mynett also alleges her spouse dropped a “shocking declaration of love” for the far-left lawmaker and dumped her soon after, state filings submitted to the Superior Court of the District of Columbia on Tuesday.

“The parties physically separated on or about April 7, 2019, when Defendant told Plaintiff that he was romantically involved with and in love with another woman, Ilhan Omar,” the documents read.



  1. She sounds like a real H0 doesn't she ?

  2. Face it, Everyone, the woman has serious flaws and issues. She is not the stuff of a congressional representative.

  3. He's shallow. Hope the wife takes everything he has...

  4. 939 yet you support Trump. Can you say H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-SY?

    1. 10:26- Hey, Dipshit. Our president loves this country. He hasn't taken a penny's pay serving it. Omar hates it and steals money from campaign funds. Can you say, I'm a totally useless moronic troll with no intelligence, and obviously no friends so I go on a conservative blog to be a hate monger? Move along little guy, move along.

  5. 9:39 you realize our President has no room to talk on the issue either..

    1. 10:28 What issue? Her hatred for America?

  6. EEEEEWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The woman is a funky political train wreck and now a total hot mess to boot

  7. She needs to divorce him on the grounds "He had sex with a Dog"!
    That bitch is UGLY! She even wear a bunch of Toilet Paper on her head for leaks, she is so full of shit.

  8. Let's break this down for 10:28AM

    a) Not everyone who criticizes Omar voted for Trump. I didn't, and it's still wrong of her.
    b) Just because one person did it doesn't make it okay. Whether Trump did or did not cheat on his wife doesn't make Omar right.
    c) You have no idea how the other poster feels about Trump's infidelities - maybe they're against them. 9:39 signed in as anonymous, how do you know his or her inclinations?

    Next time, think before you post.

  9. 1253 my comment wasn't bashing Trump. And its not about supporting Omar so you can erase your #1 and #2. My post is bashing the hypocrisy of those who support Trump who will now talk trash on Omar for this. This board and its audience clearly have it out for Omar and are for Trump so you can stop clutching your pearls over there. So if that does not include you, good for you.

  10. 1118 sorry junior, you can use all the little curse words you can come up with, but that doesn't eliminate the truth. \

    #1 if you bash Omar for adultery, be man enough to do the same for Trump. Else that makes you a prime example of a hypocrite.

    #2 Oh boy: Trump "hasn't taken a penny".LOL Is your head that far in the sand? Do you think Mar a Largo is simply giving away space to POTUS' entourage and security detail every weekend? Do you think his hotel is just opening up a free shelter in DC every time foreign diplomats come to visit and just coincidentally have to stay in Trump International? Or maybe you think its just a coincidence he is steering world powers to host their next gathering at one of his resorts.

    If you are looking for someone who lacks intelligence, step into your bathroom and take a long look in the mirror. Sorry to trigger you this morning little johnnie. I'll let you get back to your little boy Internet Tough Guy antics now. Hurry, mom says you only have 15 min of internet time left. Its time for you to come upstairs and lotion her bunions before her stories come on.

    1. 2:27- My only message was that you are a trolling hate monger, and a shithead for doing so. Pathetic that you spend your time trolling a website you have obvious disdain for. You can take all the offense you want and regurgitate the whole basement millenial diatribe all day. It's almost as old as millenials themselves. Seems there are many of us here, and just one of you idiots. You're arguing with a lot of people. This is who you are. This is what you do. A pathetic, joyless, uninformed, troll. We all know it, time for you to look in that mirror.

    2. 2:27- It's odd you favor a person who hates America, supports Palestinian terrorist, married their brother, filed false tax returns, steal from campaign funds to pay for personal expenses, hates America, etc.

      Yet, you hate the president because he is a smart businessman and loves our country. There is nothing illegal about owning a hotel. I remember Obama going to Hawaii pretty often! I remember Reagan heading off to his ranch often, and I was just a kid! All moot points you have there. You can call me all the names you want, you're still an idiot.

  11. When are we going to realize YOU CAN'T TRUST ANY MUSLIM.

  12. 2:53 You are so right! I am also surprised your comment made it thru, I myself have posted this thousands of times here and it never gets thru!
    Muslims are no good for this world!

  13. The Islamic sympathizers are trying to turn Omar's illegal behaviors about President. Hilarious dumbasses...when will they grow up and admit that Donald is the greatest President of our lifetimes.


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