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Thursday, August 08, 2019

Warning! Coming to a Republican District Near You!

Recently, there was a "near miss" in the conservative state of Tennessee. It involved our second-largest conservative county — and it exposed a well-planned strategy by a socialist cadre of outside "community organizers" endeavoring to turn a Republican congressional district Democrat. They didn't conjure this up on their own.

The template for their activity is one being tested in other Republican districts across the nation by organizations with different names but similar goals. These efforts are modeled after the "Rules for Radicals" framework established by the original "community organizer," Saul Alinsky. They are dark-money funded indirectly by leftists like George Soros and his ultra-wealthy "Archenemies of Liberty," including Tom Steyer, Michael Bloomberg, and Jeff Bezos.

That leftist club, and its Democrat Party collective of congressional socialists, has been busy with a visible campaign to rig electoral demographics state by state, dispensing with the Electoral College in order to guarantee the perpetuity of leftist rule.

But the Left is also engaged in a much more subversive strategy to transform our constitutional republic into a permanent populist democracy: a district-by-district strategy.

In Tennessee, a group of former Obama "organizers" emerged from their rat holes after Donald Trump's unexpected defeat of Hillary Clinton in 2016. Trump won Tennessee by 61% to Clinton's 35%, which put the state directly in the Left's crosshairs. Since then, pockets of leftist activists have worked to erode conservative districts — one by one. The template they are utilizing to achieve that goal is being propagated in at least four other Republican-controlled states right now, in preparation for rolling it out nationwide.

More here


  1. We need look no further than some of the characters working their way onto the local Republican committee. Or the socialists aligned against us.

    A strong Republican presence in Annapolis and Washington begins here at home. Get active and involved.

  2. Republican activism is needed as well as conservative candidates willing to run for offices.


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