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Thursday, August 08, 2019

Ohio Murderer Showed Ex-Girlfriend Mass Shooting On First Date

A former girlfriend of Dayton mass murderer Connor Betts told NBC News that on their first date he showed her body camera footage from a mass shooting at a synagogue, the first of what turned out to be a number of warning signs that led her to break up with him.

Adelia Johnson, who said she briefly dated Betts earlier this year, told The Blade that he also brought her to a firing range to shoot and that another time, asked her to come along with him as he tried to drop off an anonymous threatening letter to an ex-girlfriend, which particularly unnerved her and led her to break off the relationship.

Johnson said she met Betts in college and they hit it off over their common struggles with mental illness and that he appeared to be intelligent and outgoing.

She told NBC that she did not think his actions were motivated by race or religion and were probably a result of a lack of treatment for his mental illness.



  1. Facts keep pointing back to mental illness yet officials did nothing when first pointed out while he was in high school. THERE is the problem; not the gun or NRA. Officials turn a blind eye not wanting to confront the obvious and be deemed over zealous or politically incorrect. Now we see the results time after time and politicians find it more convenient to ignore the crux and cast blame for political expediency.

  2. All the revelations from former classmates and girlfriends are to little, to late.

  3. The signs on these people are all over the place. But the FBI and other justice departments keep trying to pull something out of their ass to get Trump on, so they're clueless to these people.

  4. 9:30
    Thank you for pointing out the blatantly obvious: too little, too late

    Of course it is too late. People died.
    But the alternative is a bit Orwellian, don’t you think?

    Imagine a world where your neighbors are spying on you and “officials” take possession of your body because of some slight remark. That is not freedom.

    We are each born with free will

    1. Being born with free will or choices is one thing. Having a mental illness is very different and he had signs of mental illness that lacked treatment.

  5. And the El Paso shooter's mom also called police with concerns about her own son owning an assault rifle. NOTHING was done and people died. BuT mAh RiGhT ta bare ARMS!

  6. There is a lot of money in Bellbrook. The kid said he was worried about 'stigma'.. I'm sure he was.

    But apparently the parents were, too, or they would have dealt with it. If you have a kid who is talking about the kind of stuff he was, you don't just blow it off and hope for the best.

    This is not that uncommon, either. Many families try to sweep this kind of thing under the rug, especially in places like Bellbrook where there is no shortage of $300-500,000 homes.

    If the Nan Whaleys and Sharrod Browns of this country are going to get in the President's face and demand that 'something be done now', they need to focus on getting the mental health resources in place to deal with these people, not trying to ban the gun they used.

    This isn't a 'gun' problem. They also use knives, machetes, axes and hammers. These people have mental health issues.. and they are often related to PRESCRIPTION MEDICATIONS they have been taking.

    Deal with that.

  7. This girl was one of the fortunate ones to get away from this Betts, if more people would speak up especially to the police something might have been prevented. Always after these incidents then you hear about the crazies and the behavior every one witnessed for years.


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