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Thursday, August 08, 2019

Powerful scenes from Dayton and El Paso

President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump traveled today to Dayton, Ohio, and El Paso, Texas, where they met with survivors, families, medical workers, and first responders affected by this weekend’s horrific acts of mass violence.

In Dayton this morning, the two met with patients and staff members at Miami Valley Hospital. “They’ve been stopping between rooms to thank the hardworking medical staff,” Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham wrote. “Very powerful moments.”

 Watch President Trump: “We love you Dayton, Ohio!”

“You had God watching. I want you to know we’re with you all the way,” the President said. Later in the afternoon, he and the First Lady visited with first responders, hospital staff, and victims and their families at University Medical Center of El Paso.

As always when tragedy strikes, our nation’s first responders put their own lives at risk to help save others. The men and women who answered the call in both Dayton and El Paso were no exception. On Monday, President Trump thanked those “who responded to these atrocities with the extraordinary grace and courage of American heroes.”

Before departing Washington today, the President pledged to push Congress on finding bipartisan solutions to address mass violence. “We’re going to be meeting with members of Congress. I’ve already got meetings scheduled. And I have had plenty of talks over the last two days,” he said. Specific measures the President has mentioned include stronger background checks, early warning detection, and “red flag” protection orders.

“I’ll be convincing some people to do things that they don’t want to do, and that means people in Congress,” President Trump said.

🎬 President Trump says he’ll work with Congress to prevent future tragedies.

1 comment:

  1. More people died of gun shots in Chicago last weekend than both of these shootings combined.

    But they died as part of the US military’s drug trade in America. So there won’t be any attention drawn to those murders.

    Wake up folks, Mr Trump is an actor in the intelligence Psyop


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