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Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Trump freezes all Venezuelan government assets in US

The Trump administration has frozen all Venezuelan government assets in a significant escalation of tensions with socialist leader Nicolás Maduro. It places Washington’s trade relations with the South American country on a par with Cuba, Syria, Iran and North Korea.

The ban on Americans doing business with Venezuela’s government takes effect immediately.

“All property and interests in property of the Government of Venezuela that are in the United States ... are blocked and may not be transferred, paid, exported, withdrawn, or otherwise dealt in,” the executive order says.

The order, signed by President Trump on Monday, cited Maduro’s continued “usurpation” of power and human rights abuses by those loyal to him.



  1. shocking. I'm pretty sure Trump, elites from both sides of the aisle, and others in power had just the right amount of time to protect their assets before any of this went down.

  2. We all do realize if we continue to "freeze" others assets in our countries that they will "freeze" ours in theirs and/or no longer keep assets in our country?


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