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Tuesday, August 06, 2019

The Upper Ferry Isn’t Operating Presently Due To A Breakdown

We have a crew on their way to check the out problem. As soon as it is up and running, I will let you know. I apologize for any inconvenience this causes.


  1. This ferry is shut down way more than it is open. Its always something. High tide. Low tide. Wind. No wind. cloudy. mechanical problems. Maybe it's the operators.

  2. Just put in a bridge for Pete's Sake !

  3. in past years in never closed for high or low tide. granted the low ball bidder isn't making much but yeah it's out of commission more then in!

  4. Yea this is a major issue! There should be a bridge. Keep white heaven but build a bridge at upper ferry.

  5. Why not charge a small toll maybe a $1 that way the county has some money to fix it. The county charges for everything else

  6. #1 as a waterman I see a different point here. I see a lot of people that have no clue what they are talking about. The tide has a lot to do with it running. #2 Plus they have a answering machine you call. Bet half don’t call. Really. #3 Here is a good one for you. Take you complaining Butt around Salibury. Plenty of ways you can go. But wait, you still will complain. See your not happy either way. #4 You still complain about the speed on ferry. One operator fast , other slow. #5 You should stop a think before you complain so much about something’s. I can think back of a few large companies the used to be here that made people a lot of money and provided plenty of jobs. They complained so much they shut them down. This is free. Just think what could happen hear. #6 FREE FREE FREE. STOP COMPLAINING. If you don’t like the operators or ferries take other routes. I am sure they will not miss the grumpy people and you making them that way.


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