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Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Maryland Gun Violence Activists Call For Stricter Federal Laws

The organization Marylanders to Prevent Gun Violence is reacting to the mass shootings in Texas and Ohio over the weekend and calling for change at the federal level.

"Obviously, this is just horrific, and my fear is that people are becoming numb to this, and this is the new normal. It doesn't have to be, and it shouldn't be," said Elizabeth Banach, executive director of Marylanders to Prevent Gun Violence.

Banach believes the federal government should pass laws similar to Maryland's 2013 Federal Safety Act, along with stricter licensing, more background checks, fingerprinting, a red flag law, and a ban on semi-automatic weapons.



  1. She is just another liberal idiot. No where did she mention mental health and tighten the laws regarding the reporting of mental health. She never addressed the violent video games which conditions a persons mind towards violence as a fun or sporting thing. Nowhere did she address the violent rederic allowed on the internet or from Democrats, George Soros, ANTIFA and Black Lives Matters. What a pure hypocrite.

  2. 11:18 agreed. If someone is mentally unstable...everybody should know it.

  3. Yes becasue the first 5 background checks didn't catch the lawful purchase of a gun, so yes lets have more background checks... Because having to only go through a few background checks to buy one gun; along with a permission slip from the state that requires a background check to obtain in the first to even buy said gun, allows criminals to buy illegal guns...

  4. What has it done for Baltimore or Chicago? I rest my case

  5. Punishing legal gun owners?
    Next it will be black powder guns then bow n arrows.

  6. So who does this impede? Not crimnals or people that do this stuff. Leave my 2A rights alone! Will not comply!

  7. They really should do something about those millions of criminal thugs with there illegal guns maybe a voluntary turn in ? lol

  8. Yadda yadda yadda yadda! It's not a gun problem it's a people problem.


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