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Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Second Amendment Looms Over Supreme Court After Back-To-Back Massacres

The Supreme Court will confront a range of gun rights cases in the coming months, as the nation reels from brutal mass shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, that left over 30 people dead.

Matters now pending before the justices include a dispute over New York City’s gun transportation regulations, challenges to permitting laws in Massachusetts and New Jersey, and a lawsuit victims of the Sandy Hook massacre brought against gun giant Remington Arms.

Though the Second Amendment area is rich with opportunity for the Court’s newly-entrenched conservative majority, the justices may choose to follow a quieter course given recent events, particularly since the coming term is heavy on politically salient cases like gay rights and the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.



  1. DemocRATs are trying to disarm Americans so it's easier to get world open boarders and ISLAM LOOK AT ENGLISHSTAN.

  2. Let's outlaw cars because they kill thousands of people every year. And while we're at it, we need to outlaw cell phones because so many people are killed by drivers who insist on texting while driving.

  3. Why does it take something like these two events to get people all stirred up but they all look the other way when on any given weekend this many people and more are killed in the US by similar means? Is it because those killing are mostly done by black people? Is there a hidden agenda here or what?

  4. And outlaw forks, don't forget bathtubs and showers, hammers, nails, knives, spoons, motorcyles, chainsaws, electricity, and, and, and

  5. Never going to Stop Criminals Period !! Quit this damn
    Gun Law bullshit every time something happens !!!!

    Only Good people buy a Gun Legally , & Only Criminals do
    Not !!! Hell, even a few Dumb criminals have bought
    their gun Legally & it made NO difference in what they did !!!

    Gun Laws Only Hurt the Good People , NOT the Bad , who
    Will get a damn gun Regardless of Laws !!!!!

    PLus, keep the Damn news from Showing Too Much &
    causing Copy-Cats every time something happens !!!

  6. Somethings are not up for debate even in the Supreme Court. They can try but the answer is the same. War. Can you imagine a movement to bring back slavery? Would the Supreme Court be given reigns to decide if it could be legal again? Would it be okay? The answer is no. The same as legalized pedophilia. Law, politicians, and courts do not cover all aspects of life.

  7. Second hand smoke 48k a year. This good be prevented. 500k die from nicotine a year.

  8. EVERY time there is a major 2A case to be heard before the Supreme Court......there are mass shootings....how many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible? Your deepstate democrat communist at work..


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