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Friday, August 23, 2019

San Fran Changes ‘Felon’ to ‘Justice-Involved Person’

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors has adopted new “person first” language guidelines aimed at rewriting labels for criminals, which will see them called ‘justice-involved people’ or ‘returning residents,’ instead of ‘felons’ or ‘convicts.”

The nonbinding resolution, which was passed last month, purports to change the way California’s criminal population is viewed, as current terms supposedly “only serve to obstruct and separate people from society and make the institutionalization of racism and supremacy appear normal.”

“Inaccurate information, unfounded assumptions, generalizations and other negative predispositions associated with justice-involved individuals create societal stigmas, attitudinal barriers and continued negative stereotypes.”



  1. Have they changed the name of poop yet?

  2. Can't wait for this Civil war to start

  3. sugar coat it all you want to. they are thugs and criminals...felons and convicts are proper names for them, most didn't go behind those bars because they went to a cocktail party. They are murderers, child molesters, rapists and high dollar crooks. Trying to cover up what they actually are is part of the problem of why we have repeat offender's walking the streets now. You just can't make this shit up. Yet the same fools want to take guns of law biding citizens so that they can't protect themselves and their families from these criminals. and they have the right to vote...This is the true definition of insanity. quick get the red flags rolling on these idiots. they are crazy and shouldn't be near any guns, theirs or their hired protectors.

  4. Oh great! So a Rapist is what, "Sexual Relationship Challenged"?
    A Bank Robber is "Account deferred withdrawal"?

    Sounds Like Jim Ireton at work.

  5. The freaking progressives are really out of control. People lanuage first is not meant for criminals you a$$hats. So you going to call a pediphile a justice involved person.

  6. Northwest Woodsman: Amazing! I suppose that is to help felons with self esteem issues. Idiot liberals will never learn.


  7. "Pardon, oops, Excuse me esteemed senior citizen, may I borrow your wallet or purse? I'm a little short of funds and could benefit from your active assistance. Thank you so much."


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