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Friday, August 23, 2019

WCSAO: Aziz Seck Convicted of Possession With Intent To Distribute Cocaine


  1. This kids parents started him down the road of problems with a name like that!
    Who in there right mind names the child stupid tribal names that will cause them to be ridicued and picked on?

  2. Off topic....you need to run some article on how the EBT Blogger candidate helped Webster cover up the city's.crime and gang problems for years.

  3. Northwest Woodsman: I would be horrified if when a crime was reported people would automatically assume that it was committed by a member of my race. My guess is that within that race, their community provides tacit approval for criminal behavior as they never show any outrage towards the perpetrator but will immediately attack the police or anyone who expresses outrage over the crime. This is never going to change and will probably only get worse. Affirmative action and diversity efforts have been an abject failure due to the basic differences in human nature resulting from genetic development over thousands of years. It is a case of total incompatibility.


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