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Friday, August 23, 2019

Cleveland cop, 34, is charged after 'attempting to kidnap a 12-year-old girl

An off-duty Cleveland cop has been charged after he tried to entice a 12-year-old girl waiting for a school bus into his car and then filmed himself urinating on her.

Solomon Nhiwatiwa, 34, was arrested Tuesday by Euclid police, according to a release from Michael C. O'Malley, the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor.

'These actions are impossible to comprehend,' O'Malley said in the release. 'My office will hold him accountable and ensure that he never holds the position of police officer again.'



  1. Hiring based on a quota system doesn’t produce the cream of the crop.

  2. That wasn't all he tried to do...

  3. The cop is a immigrant that became a US citizen, not a real American.

    1. As much as I don't like the dirt bag in this story, i dislike your comment more. If he passed our requirements to become a us citizen,( a test that most americans, including you,cant pass) hes an american. If youre going to bash people who do the process legally, then youre only encouraging these immigrants to avoid the process altogether.

  4. Numerous qualified individuals have realized that a career in law enforcement isn't worth the hassles that go with the job and are making other career choices; therefore, police agencies are struggling to hire qualified applicants. As a result, unqualified persons such as the one in this particular article get hired. It will only get worse as tine goes on.

  5. Just a Joe Biden want-a-be.

  6. This is the ilk you get with affirmative action hiring. Nice, huh?

  7. These are the people who want us disarmed. To turn our guns.

    So they can piss on our children without consequence.

    I say piss on that Hogg fella and his organization.

  8. Northwest Woodsman: I’m sure that this individual would have made a exemplary police officer if he had been hired to serve in his native lands. Again, I will repeat myself. Total incompatibility with our civilization no matter how much effort goes into trying to make integration work. Every rational person can see that it does not work. You can not change thousands of years of genetic development in three or four hundred years. This effort certainly meets the definition of insanity.

  9. Northwest Woodsman: I’ll try again! This individual is a product of lowering standards to accommodate affirmative action quotas regardless of what local and federal authorities state. He would have made an outstanding officer in his homeland and would have earned the respect of his colleagues for this behavior which is still unacceptable in this country for the time being. The lower the standards, the more acceptable this behavior will become. Let’s just keep making exceptions for them.

  10. August 24, 2019 at 9:07 PM. You just don't get it. An example of your intelligence. He is talking about them getting jobs that they are just not smart enough to do. They take those tests and do not have to get a high enough score to pass as other people do. Just so they can get the job. This happens all the time. It's called Affirmative Action. There were people in Boston that said the tests to become a police officer there were intentionally made to difficult for a black person to pass. Just how is that done? What they did not realize or too stupid to realize is they were saying that they are not as smart as whites. Who pass the test. So Boston lowered the score that blacks needed to get to become a police officer. Plus I bet he was given the citizenship and could not pass the test. Just so he could stay here in America. Now THAT, is ignorance. Not to mention unfair as hell to everyone else. Hiring people because of their ignorance. There are many, many people who get diplomas and can't even read. Explain that. No, I will. Affirmative Action.


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