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Sunday, August 11, 2019

Maryland's Best School Districts 2020: New Rankings Released

MARYLAND — Data compiler Niche has ranked Maryland's best school districts for the 2019-2020 school year. The rankings were released Monday as part of the website's 2020 K-12 rankings.

Each Maryland school district received a letter grade in the following categories: Academics; Diversity; Teachers; College Prep; Clubs & Activities; Health & Safety; Administration; Sports; Food; and Resources & Facilities.

To arrive at the rankings, Niche looked at data from the U.S. Department of Education as well as test scores, college data, and ratings collected from Niche users. (You can read more about the methodology here.)

The top-ranked school district in Maryland is Howard County Public School. Niche gave the school system an A or an A+ in all categories except for health and safety (A-). Last year, Howard County was also No. 1. (See last year's list as a comparison: Maryland's Best School Districts: New Rankings Released)



  1. now that's funny! you have to go down to #40 on the list before you see a public school! how's that working out for the taxpayer? seems like school vouchers would be a no brainer. Keeping children trapped in poor performing schools is a recipe for a life of poverty! but the rich/political class don't have this problem.

  2. What does diversity have to do with school quality? Is a school better if it makes butt-hurt liberals feel good?

    1. And no discipline for thugs .

  3. No surprise here: Wicomico schools have been inadequate for years. Our students are receiving a mediocre education at best. I taught in the county for 35 years and witnessed the steady decline in the quality of education here. Unfortunately, teachers' hands are tied because they are forced to comply with the system or lose their jobs. Our students are not prepared for the world they face after graduation.


  5. only diversity that matters is green! you either got it or you don't! we know the democratic political class in this state / country aint sending their kids to the local public school!

  6. Maryland doesn't have a good school district. ESPECIALLY compared to the rest of the country. The ENTIRE state education system is a FAILURE.

  7. Sounds to me like Donna Hanlin needs to be replaced.

    Think about this, Donna Hanlin was retired before she was hired by the Wicomico County Board of Education. There was a reason she was retired. Think about it.

  8. Hanlin, Fitzgerald et. al., will be blaming it on the county executive not funding the schools enough money.

  9. So much for Dr. Hanlins "Vision 20/20" bullsh!t or whatever it's called.

  10. If I was the president of the Teachers union I would be demanding Ms. Hanlin's resignation.

    1. The teachers union is the problem. Teacher's with TENURE is the problem. Studies have shown for years that "TENURED FACULTY" are one of the significant problems. Along with the UNION itself. Not teaching. Pushing political correctness.

  11. Fire Donna Hanlin and problem solved,.


  12. Being a good student and actually studying as a prelude to learning and achievement entails a certain amount of real work. The adults have continued to scale back and dumb down actual curriculum as well as expectations. Some parents are more involved and insist their kids actually work and achieve. Go to a graduation or awards assembly and tell me what you hear and observe. The kids are capable of more learning and achievement; the adults have decided giving everyone a diploma is more important than setting expectations and adhering to them.

    Not a happy look going forward.

  13. I urge parents for the benefit of your children, try to get them into a good private or Christian school.

    If you can't afford it, there are good home school programs with support groups.

    The public school system is a failure. For the safety and academic success of your child, you would be better to not have them go to any public school.

    They have an agenda and all they care about is their federal funding. Your child is just a number and an extra $ for the school system. Look at the Teachers, even most of their children are in a private school. I used to attend Saint Peter and Paul during my Elementary and middle school years, and most of the kids there were teachers kids.


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