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Sunday, August 11, 2019

Here Are The Signs The US Gov't Is Preparing For Farmageddon

President Trump on Tuesday morning hinted at what appears to be yet another farm bailout (the third one must be the charm), as farm bankruptcies soar and agricultural debt loads become unbearable.
As they have learned in the last two years, our great American Farmers know that China will not be able to hurt them in that their President has stood with them and done what no other president would do - And I’ll do it again next year if necessary!

A farm crisis on par to what was observed in the early 1980s could be coming, especially since the US Senate passed a bill late last week that makes it more accessible for farmers with larger debt loads to file for bankruptcy protection, reported Reuters.

The bipartisan bill, designated as the Family Farmer Relief Act of 2019, increases the total debt load of how much a farmer can have to meet the qualifications to file Chapter 12 bankruptcy, to $10 million from the prior $4 million ceiling. 



  1. Bwahaha Trump's actions are directly crushing farmers. He then moves tonget them hooked on welfare all so they vecome dependent on gov and not the free market. Isnt this the exact thing you people say you are against?

    1. Wow you need tonget to skool so U can vecome better edumacated.

    2. Wow. Can't defend your post so let's get snarky. You must be a shorebillie.

    3. HAHAHA 7:24. You must be worwic edumacatedd?? Only worwic college edumacatedd tells someone else how smart they are. EMBARRASSING. Lol

    4. 950 we learned about sarcasm in 3rd grade. 1962.

  2. Ya know. Farmers have been getting government bailouts for decades. Frankly? I don't really care about the farmers. When the government pays you millions a year NOT TOO GROW A CROP. What happened to the days farmers sold their own crops?? When did the American TAXPAYER become farmers?? If you need the government to sell or tell you what to do?? Your not much of a Farmer!!

  3. Crushing farmers:

    Ionosphere heaters and weather modification

  4. Literally watched tomatoes "die on the vine" and wagon loads spread on fields. What's the deal? People are hungry in this country too.

  5. Those farmers are feeding us! With bankruptcies and older farmers dying off and younger people not farming, we're going to have major food shortages. Better start your garden now.

  6. Might this be ,...oh my, that word,...socialism?

  7. True 7:40, the small family farmer is dying off. They are being consumed by mega corporate farming operations. The farm subsidy is 99% going to these corporations. More big business welfare for the rich.

  8. So is this in support of Trumps welfare to farmers or against. You know once the Chinese go to another County for their agricultural products they will not come back to US farmers. What a self imposed nightmare

  9. 723 you see, the way this works is, farmers were making great money selling to the Chinese market. The trade war Trump started has hit that market hard. To keep farmers supporting him, Trump pushed for major farmer bailouts (welfare). Have you caught on now to what is going on?

  10. 1:32 You have just embarrassing yourself. STOP BE SOOOOO LAZY. Do some research for ONCE!! Farmers have been given MILLIONS NOT TO GROW CROPS FOR DECADES!! LOOK it up. They have been on government assistance for Decades. ANOTHER SCAM?! The poor Blacks. The poor ILLEGAL. The poor farmers. PLEASE!!


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