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Sunday, August 11, 2019



  1. “Yeah, be civil while we stalk, surveil you and steal from you”.

  2. Northwest Woodsman: Sounds like 8:20 may have run afoul of the standards of conduct for vehicle operators that is reflected in this article.

  3. a Judge needs to Order ALL cops OFF the road & put them
    on a BEAT & in the Schools !!! Earn their Keep

    Ticket writing has gotten Out of Hand in America &
    if they like writing tickets , write them All day in the Prisons.

    This crap is nothing but making easy $$$ for the Govt
    harassing the public & a nuisance .

    The cops SPEED more than anyone else, because they Can
    so nothing is about Safety , ONLY raking in easy $$$$
    & Jamming Up the Courts !!!!

  4. Too many Unmarked cars these days & they should Have to
    be Marked just for ticket writing cops.

    Only detectives on more serious business should have the
    unmarked ones !!!!

    These military like traffic stops need to End too !!! We
    don't YET live in Russia or China controlled country !!!!!

    If they like to be Military like , then go JOIN IT !!!!

  5. We Good, LawAbiding Taxpayers Don't like being Threatened

    We Don't need ANY cops , Only the Criminals do !!!!

  6. Sneaky Traffic Stops !!! Not Professional

  7. dont break the law and youll have nothing to worry about 😉

  8. Americans had Better Worry Alot !!! Your Freedom is
    Always at stake !!!

    Believe it or Not !!! I don't want a Police state !!!!

    That's what you have in Russia & China !!!!!

  9. Each time I was stopped for speeding I deserved it because I was speeding. I am responsible for my own actions. End of story.

  10. Police SPEED more than anyone else & are Never Stopped !

  11. Someone's unreasonable fears are manifesting in caps lock and too many exclamation points.

  12. Isn't interesting that everytime a posting on this site comes out about LEOs, so many complain? If you are operating your vehicle at the posted speed limit and in a safe manner, there is no issue. Likewise for driving under the influence - if you do not drink and drive, there is no issue. Seems to me that so many complain about LEOs are the same folks who are breaking the law. Should that be the case, you get what you deserve.


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