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Sunday, August 11, 2019

Joaquin Castro Posts Names, Employers Of Trump Donors

Democratic Texas Rep. Joaquin Castro on Monday tweeted the names and employers of 44 San Antonio residents who donated the federal maximum to President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign.

Castro, whose district includes much of San Antonio, claimed the donors “are fueling a campaign of hate that labels Hispanic immigrants as ‘invaders.'” Castro is the twin brother of Democratic presidential candidate Julian Castro and chairs his presidential campaign.

Sad to see so many San Antonians as 2019 maximum donors to Donald Trump — the owner of ⁦@BillMillerBarBQ⁩, owner of the ⁦@HistoricPearl, realtor Phyllis Browning, etc⁩.

Their contributions are fueling a campaign of hate that labels Hispanic immigrants as ‘invaders.’ pic.twitter.com/YT85IBF19u

— Joaquin Castro (@Castro4Congress) August 6, 2019


  1. He needs to just go away,just like everyone else who thinks they can beat Trump.

  2. Why don't you list your donors, moron.

  3. now would be the right time to double down and donate again and again do the max.

  4. Smart donors is all I can say

  5. He is angry and frustrated that we Americans didn't want him for President. Dems go very low when things don't go there way. Need to post something about him - his tax return - his bank balance etc. There has got to be something - he is no angel

  6. What an A$$-hole. What, is this guy still upset about the Alamo?

  7. His last name sound familiar but I can’t place it ?

  8. Why is it always Trump's fault? Democrats are criticizing Trump using the same rhetoric they blame Trump for. Why are the Democrats not talking about Maxine Waters, AOC, Omar, Soros, Schumer, Pelosi all the Presidential candidates, ANTIFA, Black Lives Matters, Farrakhan, New Black Panthers and AL Sharpton to name a few. Their rhetoric is always racist and incites violence while they try and mask it by calling for civility. Pure hypocrites.

  9. that smart ass did not accomplish a thing by posting any names etc. Its all available online through the board of elections financial disclosures. Stupid Moron joke is on him. Anybody that really wanted to know who was on the list already looked.

  10. hey moron, it they are not here legally then yes they are invaders. Not hate, Truth.

  11. The Dems have been fueling violence since Trump was elected.

  12. How the Hell did Fidel Castro's Brother even get in our
    Country , Let alone in our Congress ????

    Who else will be allowed in Congress ?? NK Leader too ??

    America better WAKE the Hell Up !!!!

  13. He would have to POST 3/4 of the country !!! LOL

  14. He posted the donors of Trump but omited the names of Hispanics that donated to Trump. Hmmm🤔

  15. They worded this wrong. "“are fueling a campaign of hate that labels Hispanic immigrants as ‘invaders.'” " They are not immigrants, they are "illegals". Immigrants come here the LEGAL way.


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