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Sunday, August 11, 2019

Joe Biden’s Brother Accused of Defrauding Rural Healthcare Company

Former Vice President Joe Biden’s younger brother, James, is being accused of defrauding a Tennessee rural healthcare company.

A lawsuit filed in federal court late last month alleges James Biden, who has a history of murky financial dealings, and his associates deceived and defrauded two Tennessee businessmen.

Michael Frey and his business partner, Dr. Mohannad Azzam, brought the suit claiming James Biden and his associates promised and failed to line up investors for their rural healthcare enterprise. Instead, the suit alleges, James Biden urged the two men to borrow $10 million from a hedge fund manager involved in the deal and then proceeded to pass their idea off as his own to a conglomerate of Turkish investors.

“The lawsuit takes direct aim at Biden, painting him as a con artist who uses his ties to his brother — now a Democrat candidate for president — to lure his victims,” the Knoxville News Sentinel reported.

According to documents filed with the U.S. District Court, Frey and his wife developed a business model to take over rural hospitals and retrofit them to not only offer traditional hospital care, but also drug addiction and mental health treatment. After incorporating the enterprise as Diverse Medical Management, they brought on Azzam, “who contracted with nursing homes to provide medical care for seniors.”



  1. Meanwhile...
    POTUS and most of his immediate family accused of tax evasion, collusion with a foreign government, sexual assault

    1. Hey 11:04 you raped me. I’m calling the police. Now you’ve been accused of rape. Does that make it true? 🙄

  2. Does this sound a lot like Hillary's brother in Haiti?

  3. Ruh roh! He's not long for this world now! Has anybody ever heard how Killary's brother checked out?

  4. It's ok, he's a Democrat.

  5. Everyone should read the book about Hunter Biden and how his father Joe negotiated deals that made him rich.Actually a TV movie should be made about it.TV commercials should alert everyone to watch the movie.I understand that parents love their children,but why can a Democrat,especially a VP get away with such a conflict of interest?

  6. 11:04 logic need not apply here. In the Republican eyes if you are rich enough to settle out of court it means you are innocent.

    1. 12:43 “In the Republican eyes...” okay junior just the Republicans huh? Can you say Hilary Clinton?

  7. Why shouldn't he cheat he is connected to the right people.

  8. Like some things run in the family, corruption seems to run in the left wing party.

  9. All the Bidens are garbage. Look at who their mother was. Another nasty garbage like that gross rose kennedy. Fake Christians (catholic) who picked and chose what parts of the bible they wanted to follow. Good people don't raise democrats.


  10. The wraps are coming off regarding creepy Biden and his grifting family. It isn't pretty and won't improve. The fact that this info is being permitted to see the light of day is an important clue to Slow Joe's prospects. The rest of the clown car will be calling him out to a limited extent, and if he survives, the president will verbally lacerate him. He's a complete disgrace and has very little positive to show for almost 50 years of inhabiting the Swamp.

    Objective historians will not be kind to him.

  11. Sleepy Joe took Half the $$$$$ in the split !!!!

  12. Hell SLEEPY JOE took Millions from CHINA !!! ALL swept
    under the Rug !!! He will NEVER be Elected after that


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