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Sunday, August 11, 2019

Chris Rock is accused of racism after making 'Betty White' joke about gunmen in mass shootings being white

Chris Rock has come under fire for posting a picture of Golden Girl actress Betty White as part of word-play joke about the skin color of last weekend's mass shooters.

The comedian, 54, received mixed feedback from fans and the internet after the Instagram post was shared to his 3.4 million followers on Wednesday.

The meme he shared featured the words: 'The first thing people say when a mass shooting is announced.'

It then had a picture of White, 97, and played on the pronunciation of her name, 'Bet-he White.'



  1. Yes, so this Proves Blacks are Racist !!!!

    1. Please grow a sense of humor.

  2. Comedy has always been a means of dialogue for opposing views. There is a reason liberals are removing that avenue.

  3. OR you could stop being such a snowflake about it. I thought we weren't supposed to be PC anymore conservatives?

  4. Racists come in all colors.

  5. Chris rock just want another 25 million dollar Netflix special. Now he will get one.

  6. 12:53pm No. Just that Chris Rock is funny and smart.


  8. @1:26 that's hilarious!! Chris Rock has made a career of shallow and meaningless racist material. Just another example of blacks that know how to work the system befriending whites in key positions.

  9. Too bad there isn't a famous lady called Betty Black..... I could think of a lot of jokes for that one LOLOLOL!

  10. With a name like Crusius I doubt he is 100 % white.

  11. Chris Rock is a racist and I hope his popularity ends just like the creep on that show that recently was taken of television he ruined his future and the others on that show the one that had friends beat him up so he could claim it happened to him because he was black and whites beat him, thought it would give him more media attention well he got that. Didn't turn out like he thought it would now he's another "what's his name?"

  12. Only Black comedians get away with Racial Jokes !!!! Fact

  13. Sorry but I don’t care what anyone says but that is creative and hilarious! You have to actually think and say it in your head to appreciate that and I give him major props for saying that. I don’t know why people get so offended but he is a comedian and that his comedy. I can appreciate it for what it is I don’t take offense to it.

  14. 10:12
    I have to agree with you. He is dissing on white people and people that don't properly speak English.

  15. So sorry to inform you folks,but only white people can be called racists.

  16. That's not racist... it's funny.

    Stop being so sensitive and get over yourselves. That kind of snowflakery is what fuels racism.

  17. I guess that idiot forgot the mass shootings all across America every day in big cities committed by blacks killing blacks. But that would go against his racist views.

  18. This is prejudice. Even if it's not consider as racist but it's a prejudice statement. More importantly unprofessional of Chris Rock for calling out another celebrities name. Comedians are supposed to be funny which is true, but a Mass shooting is a serious matter. We wouldn't want whites to mock after blacks. So as blacks we shouldn't make a mockery out of whites period. This joke should've been kept to himself. Why the world is being remained unorganized and unequal is because of the dummies who side with Chris Rock ignorance. All racial statements amoung anyone needs to stop so that their won't be a contraversy. As far as blacks can't be racist that is a bogus lie. Sin is sin. Prejudice is not exceptional so is racist.


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