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Sunday, August 11, 2019

There's Been An Accident At Beaglin Park Drive 8-5-19

Use caution and an alternative route at this time...


  1. I live in this area. Guarantee, all to beat a Red Light.
    Instead of speed cameras, time to put up Red Light Camera's.

  2. What the hell happened to Waverly Drive? It’s so narrow now to accommodate a new bike path?? More than half the road is gone for vehicle use!!!!!

    1. Noticed this change also. Salisbury mayor is getting out of control with these ridiculous bike changes. Going to be a lot of head collisions. Wat to narrow for 2 lanes.

    2. Am I the only one confused how to drive in these lanes? Car stay on the right now left now right...yikes!

  3. 12:25 Jake day show for a bike path

  4. As long as people drive cars, there will be accidents. Why do people act like there has to be more lights, more cameras, more cops, more tickets. Enough already

  5. looks like they were driving on the wrong side of the car, wheel on the road is better.

  6. I was turning right there last week. Had the green light, so it wasn't a right on red. A guy coming from the other direction almost nailed me. Yes, he also had a green light but he acted like he had a green arrow and the right of way.
    Happens there all the time.

    1. I notice a lot of drivers making left turns in front of opposing traffic these days, especially crossing route 50 at many intersections. I sure hope this behavior isn't being taught in driver's ed classes now

  7. It amazes me how many accidents occur at this intersection. Seems like one every week.

  8. Never seen so many rollovers in my life.

  9. Idiot fly around town nowadays!! Then factor in the texting and driving and we end with at least one vehicle on it's roof in 'da 'bury

  10. Speed cameras are unconstitutional

  11. where is that in the Constitution? lol

    1. Defendant has the right to face his accuser in a court of law

  12. More than likely they were paying attention to their phone instead of the road,probably 90% of accidents happens this way this day and age.Keep your nose out of your phone will driving people,IT'S NOT THAT IMPORTANT!!!

  13. There are alot of accidents at that intersection. Plenty of open space. Maybe that's the problem. People are looking around and not paying attention.

    And speaking of bike lanes. The new lines on the streets in the park leave not enough space on the road when people put there trash cans out. You have to stop and let the person in the other direction go by, then proceed around the cans. Another Jake day screw up.

  14. I was on the scene immediately after it happened.

    The person in the flipped car was on the phone. Ran the light and T-boned the other car.

    Both drivers had minimal injuries. The driver of the upturned car was hysterical because they never saw what happened. To them it just happened without cause.

    The driver of the hit car seemed fine in all ways but a banged up car. the saw the other car coming.

    Thankfully everyone was OK.


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