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Sunday, August 11, 2019

Rosanna Arquette: ‘I’m Sorry I Was Born White and Privileged. It Disgusts Me’

Hollywood Actress Rosanna Arquette is apologizing for being born white, saying she’s ashamed of the privilege she believes her skin brings.

“I’m sorry I was born white and privileged. It disgusts me. And I feel so much shame,” the Pulp Fiction actor said on Wednesday.

On Monday, Arquette posted a photo of herself kneeling in front of dozens a American flags. She captioned the tweet by saying, “I’ll never stand for the flag again.”

Rosanna Arquette isn’t the only blonde award-winning actress to wish she wasn’t white. In 2016, Actress Julie Delpy said she believes there’s “nothing worse than being a woman” in Hollywood and wished she were black instead.



  1. Well I was born white. Grew up on a farm and started working on the farm at age 12. Worked all my life for what I have and did it without owning any slaves. So NO I will not apologize for being white.

  2. It's disgusting to me that you were born.

  3. I wonder how her parents feel about her comment.

  4. Now that she's no longer a very marketable actor, she's trolling for recognition in the way most easily done in Hollywood, turn it political. Free publicity.
    Why isn't she a #MeToo witness, considering her rise to stardom?

  5. How is this not metal illness? "I'm sorry for this thing for which i have absolutely no control over"...

  6. I'm white and packing , proud of it. You guys better pony up and get to the gun shop , your gonna need it.

  7. I'm sure this guilt-ridden actress will give all her ill gotten gains back.

    mr bob

  8. Just another washed up attention seeking Hollywood flake

  9. This is what the washed up do in Hollywood when they are on the downhill of their career. Think of Alissa, Jim Carry as other examples.

  10. 1:21 is spot on. She's a has been. The looks are gone. As for myself I've always said that my whiteness is my most endearing quality.


  11. 12:25 was accurate. Most Americans now wish you hadn't been born at all. Give your money away and move somewhere where you feel like you've found your people. Leave us alone!

  12. Then put your money where your mouth is and give all your belongings and money to the unprivileged

  13. She didn't have to ho that far. Just stop acting and bringing attention to yourself and the world will be a better place.

  14. A whole lot of mental illness in Hollywood.

  15. I will not nor will i ever be ashamed of or apologize for what color i am. I will Not nor should anybody else. White or not. We were born what we are. None of us had a choice in it. Just like a cat or dog. Do you think they have a choice of what colors their furs are? Look at cats for instance mom can be black and dad white and the kittens come out orange or tabby or spotted in various colors. We are what we are and all should be proud of it! These race hustlers need to go and take a seat!

  16. Then paint yo white ass black. Pretty easy solution to your problem.

  17. She has serious emotional and mental health issues

  18. Yet she holds on to all assets and money and Netflix special. She could just give it all away.


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