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Sunday, July 14, 2019

Detroit Youth Music Festival Offers Different Ticket Prices For Whites, Non-Whites

A Detroit youth music festival is offering different ticket prices for different races, leading one rapper to withdraw from the event.

AfroFuture Fest tickets for “persons of color” cost half as much as tickets for “non-persons of color,” according to the event page.

Early bird tickets for white attendees run at $20, while early bird tickets for non-white attendees cost $10. After July 17, tickets for white people will cost $40, while tickets for non-white people will cost $20.


Rapper Tiny Jag pulls out of Detroit music fest after learning white people pay a higher ticket price 


  1. I am approximately 3/4 white.
    Can I get a ticket for $15?

  2. Imagine the outcry from Rachel Madcow if it were the other way around.

  3. Don't all humans have a color? So can't everyone select they are a person of color.

  4. I like it. It exposes their willingness to keep the races apart. So don't bitch when it happens to you black people. Sounds like they only want white people there. Now you know how white people feel about the mall or community pool. Ha!

    1. 10:39. Can you try again?
      Totally confused.

  5. When are you white parents going to put a stop to your kids supporting this garbage and allowing your kids to be subjected to racism and violence

  6. Turn about is fair play. I'm all in now. Not just race but all democrooks will pay 25% more

  7. well let me know when they charge exorbitant amounts for everyone, and if it's a good enough artist maybe I'll buy a ticket to go just so I can have it mostly to myself along with all the other rich people who don't want to hang out with the lower class individuals that usually show up at these events! good luck!

  8. That will burden about 3 white people. More then likely their will be a riot and it will get shut down anyway. Half of the “ performers” won’t show up or be to intoxicated to speak.

  9. This is textbook racial discrimination. Again, nothing will happen because its black on white racism but, if you want to know what institutionalized racism looks like? This is it. Its happening before your eyes.

  10. Doesn't matter to me what the hell they do... Don't listen to that rap crap anyway...

    1. Agreed that sh&$ is an assault on the ears and brain!

  11. And what does the ACLU have to say about this.

  12. Just temporarily identify as non-white and you're golden for the cheap tickets.

    1. 5:39, nope ain't gonna do it
      White and Proud !!!
      Don't want to see or hear that rap crap anyway

  13. tickets for this so called event are $10, I'm sure there will be loads of educated professional classy people attending! lmmfao!

  14. There is no way I’d pay a single penny to be subjected to that vile, primitive noise.

  15. Good for Tiny Jag or whatever TF her name is.

  16. Mistress Claudia Balzac said...
    There is no way I’d pay a single penny to be subjected to that vile, primitive noise.

    July 9, 2019 at 5:52 PM

    Best comment ever!

  17. It will be closed down through their own actions anyway. They cannot get together without shooting someone or fighting.


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