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Sunday, July 14, 2019

Ilhan Omar calls for advertiser boycott against Tucker Carlson

Rep. Ilhan Omar called for advertisers to boycott Fox News host Tucker Carlson after he offered her as an example of why the U.S. immigration system is dangerous.

"Fox News is now giving a nightly platform to white supremacist rhetoric. It’s dangerous. Advertisers should not be underwriting hate speech," the Minnesota Democrat said Wednesday on Twitter.

Omar said in another tweet on Tuesday that Carlson was a "racist fool."



  1. Geez, what a dipshit. This has been tried before. She's running out of attention grabbing issues. I bet those 3 $hit weasles sit around from day to day trying to out do one another on this kind of stuff. Lord knows they're to stupid to get anything done in Washington.

  2. This is the same BITCH that told the city council to stop saying the pledge of allegiance.


  3. He should sue her personally for interference with his livelihood. OTOH, anyone listening to her screech is probably not tuning in but if any advertiser curtails or leaves make her pay!

  4. Forget advertisers. How about "viewer boycott". Let consumer demand drive this. Folks, no matter what your political affiliation is, realize these talking heads are laughing all the way to the bank at the country's expense. They are NOT here to inform you. They are NOT journalist or any way providing you objective analysis. They have proven they can NOT be trusted to bring forth the facts. Their entire business model is to keep you watching by saying whatever it take to stoke your emotions. They are only taking advantage of your politics to profit. Again this goes for BOTH sides of the aisle.

  5. the more she opens her mouth the more she proves tucker is right. since she
    doesn't like this country so much she should go home, we don't need her here
    thanks, sjd

  6. If your talking FLACK?? Your over the TARGET!!

  7. Obviously, she doesn't like the truth. Keep going Tucker Carlson, tell it like it is!

  8. She is a piece of crapola in a headdress.

  9. I would say the same about her concerning her comments about Jews, christians and white people in general. I would say she is more racist!

  10. Tucker didn't say anything that was untrue. She will suffer the consequences of her racist remarks. Yup, she certainly made Tuckers point.

  11. She did not watch Tucker's show if she had she would note that is was all facts not fluff like she tries to get away with. And it is a fact she is the racist she stands also for nothing American and not our people just her own media time.

  12. She wants it destroyed that's why we are going to have a civil war soon.

  13. Wish I had money to advertise on his show. She needs to disappear.

  14. Tucker is spot on about her.

  15. She and Cortez need a real life. Need to earn that government pay check by stop disrupting society with their hateful actions and get down to business - real business - like supporting the Constitution and America or get the hell out.

  16. Right - nobody cares what that whack job Omar, Talib, or AOC think - I'm pretty certain that the companies that support programs on Fox couldn't care less either


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