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Sunday, June 09, 2019

Whoopi Goldberg criticizes Trump for attending D-Day ceremony: 'They didn’t have bone spurs'

"The View" host Whoopi Goldberg was partially bleeped out during her criticism of President Trump attending the 75th anniversary of the D-Day invasion.

The panel commended Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi for not criticizing Trump on foreign soil during an interview with MSNBC in France. They noted Trump had jabbed at 2020 candidate Joe Biden while he was in Japan.

"He’s out of control. He called Bette Midler, while at a state visit in England, he called her a washed-up psycho and a sick scammer," Ana Navarro said.



  1. Whoopi did u serve ...did Hillary ..did bill.....did Obama ? ..Obama was to high as a kite. Do STFU.

  2. Well, ol' Bette is washed-up.

  3. Shame on you Whoopi...many had medical deferments; your slam against Trump is an affront to all of those. Trump does not call out the loons, they call him out with snarky innuendo, then he "counter punches". Remember how you reacted to comments made about Obama? You are the queen of hypocrisy.

  4. Love how Trump drives them crazy!!!

  5. Forgot to mention Biden’s deferment.

    Trump IS serving (as the Commander In Chief).

  6. Why is it that there's a few washed up, overweight twits around that always think people are interested in what they have to say. Can you imagine living with these cows?

  7. I wish I could back my 6 dollars I spent on the movie ghost in the 1980s. I had no idea she was so “nasty”.

  8. Thought she and Rosie were going to Canada??

  9. She ia a complete A-hole!!!!!

  10. Just an evil and mean talking turd

  11. Is that show still on?
    Are those Bims still employed?

  12. Her show is constantly bashing the president
    and very , very argumentative.
    Can't believe "normal people " would watch it

  13. Why does what she thinks even matter? She is a nobody!

  14. Northwest Woodsman: My question to Goldberg is Sooo? Most of that said by the president is true and irrefutable. Marxists just don’t like to have the truth thrown in their faces. Remember Bill Clinton the draft dodger, in a phony photo op planting little American flags on the beach? With a tear in his eye at that!

  15. Whoopi can I use your face as a CUSHION.

  16. Let's see, hummm...Whoopi didn't serve either. While Trump was being a successful entrepreneur, Whoopi was a welfare mother collecting Section 8 housing and food stamps. Yeah, like she can criticize. She was funny for a while, then she got money and fame. Well, we all know what that does to black people. It makes them the biggest racists in the world.

    1. You guys crack me up over the bs Trump the big business man narrative. I am pretty sure if you started off with tens of millions and family connections from dad, you wouldnt find it too hard to be successful either. No hate on Trump and his fam. But spare me the bs storyline of beimg "selfmade"

    2. Your TDS is showing ma'am. Better cover it up.


  17. The ugliness inside Whoopi shines through to the exterior like the beacon of a lighthouse!

  18. She was really sick when she wasn't on the View. She was doing a stand up at the Van Went in Sarasota FL. It was advertised. I couldn't believe the media said she was deathly ill. What a phony. View is an embarrassment to all women.

  19. Also note > Very FEW Blacks served or died in Any War !!!!

    So Stop hating the White men !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They saved YOU

  20. Your TDS is showing ma'am. Better cover it up.

    June 9, 2019 at 1:35 PM:

    That's not her TDS, it's her moneymaker she used to get her Section 8 and welfare benefits while Trump was on his way to being a Billionaire. All her money now can't ever change what she really is, or who she is.

  21. Time for Blacks to SERVE in military WARS , since WHITES

    already have , & Saved the world !!!!!


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