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Sunday, June 09, 2019

Sheriff: Jewelry store stops deputy from picking up engagement ring because he was armed

STATESVILLE, N.C. —A sheriff's office in North Carolina took to social media Wednesday afternoon after staff members at a jewelry store allegedly stopped an on-duty deputy from entering the store to pick up his engagement ring because he was armed.

The Iredell County Sheriff's Office said they were "deeply saddened" by the situation that unfolded at Kay Jewelers in Statesville, North Carolina, about 40 miles north of Charlotte.

"The deputy took his meal break to pick up the ring and was met at the door by the store manager, who informed him he was not allowed to wear his service weapon while on their premises," according to the Facebook post.

The deputy told the manager it would be a policy violation for him to remove his service weapon while in uniform.



  1. Northwest Woodsman: Your standard butt hurt Marxist democrat manager who is blinded by their liberal stupidity.


  2. Millions of dollars of ads over the years pushing their product and services....down the drain because of some officious idiot. If they put a sign up that said 'Robbers Welcome' they could have hardly been more stupid.

    I now know that any jewelry shopping here won't involve the letter K!

  3. Just tell them to keep the ring and never go back
    Also have to just be looking the other way if any crime happens to be going on there ever again
    Your on your own
    Ho well

  4. Wondering if this idiot meets armed robbers with the same phrase or only those sworn to protect his butt?

  5. Don’t need no stinking badge!

  6. So, when there's a robbery, who are they going to call? The un-armed police department?

  7. I'll be looking forward to the day when he meets the 3 armed robbers at the door and asks them to leave their guns in the car!.


  8. This is what we have become. I am sure there is no official policy in the Kay Jeweler manual; just some misguided twerp looking for his 5 minutes of authoritarian fame not seeing long term ramifications. At least above mentioned twerp needs a refresher in management skills and difference between the good guys and bad guys.

  9. I don't understand all the butt-hurt going on. Store policy is that patrons can't come in with fire arms. This man was not going in as an officer, he was on lunch... he was there as a patron. He wasn't told he couldn't do business... he was told to come back without a fire arm.

    If they need an officer, and called for one, they would expect an armed officer to arrive.

    He had to go there to order it, without his fire arm before... so... what's your problem?

    The problem is you want to dictate to others what they should or shouldn't do. This is not freedom nor liberty.

    What is wrong with all of you? Where has your sense of decency gone? What is happening to America?

    1. I see you didnt read the whole article. only your butt hurts

    2. 8:31 I’ll tell you what’s happening in America. We’re becoming pu$$ies because of people like you🤷‍♀️

  10. Northwest Woodsman: The man was on duty in uniform. He therefore would be required to perform duties as a law enforcement officer should the need arise. For example, what if he was standing there, unarmed and a couple of criminals intent on committing a robbery entered the store? First, he would not be able to perform his duty and second, he would automatically become a target. Sorry, 8:31, but even off duty and in civilian clothes, he is required to act and off duty officers commonly carry concealed both for personal protection and to protect buttheads that do not understand what a dangerous world they live in. I’m 77 and I carry every day. There are criminals that I have arrested that still carry a grudge, radical groups, left and right, cartel operatives, and other anti law enforcement types who would love to catch me unarmed. I suspect you would squeal like a little girl for police armed intervention if your life were endangered. Have a nice day!

    1. 77? Are the criminals you arrested in nursing homes?? Just saying. How do you pass the Leo gun range?

  11. This tells me KAY Jewelers are anti 2nd Amendment. This also tells me I will never enter and spend my money in another KAY Jewelers. They lost several thousand dollars per year from just me.

  12. 8:31 - you are what's wrong with America. There is nothing amoral about a policeman carrying a gun.

    You know, I had a whole bunch of info typed up - but I just deleted it. You're not worth trying to explain it to. If you are too stupid to know that police are REQUIRED to carry their weapons while on-duty (and some even off-duty), there's no help for you.

    Bottom line - The Law overrides a store's policy.

  13. 8:31 When still in unform you are on duty, when your off duty you should still carry because you are still a swrorn officer.

  14. Who are these WE?
    We this
    We that


  15. 4:13
    Not at this Jewelry Store

    1. "this Jewelry Store" will get zero business from me 4:13


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