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Sunday, June 09, 2019

Biden says he would spend $5 TRILLION to fight global warming

Former Vice President Joe Biden unveiled a $5 trillion climate change proposal that would roll back Trump tax cuts to help fund investments – amid pressure from rivals to match Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's 'Green New Deal.'

Biden's plan would call for net zero emissions by 2050 and what Biden calls a '100 per cent clean energy economy.'

The Green New Deal sets the goal of an electric grid powered by 100 per cent renewable energy by 2030.

Biden in a release called it a 'bold plan' and a ''Clean Energy Revolution'' to address 'this grave threat and lead the world in addressing the climate emergency.' He has already faced critics who pounced on an advisor who said he was seeking to find 'middle ground' on the issue.



  1. All while flying and being driven in SUV’s...Alex takes a plane to avoid a 3 hr car ride.

  2. Talk about robbing taxpayers blind!! He's already done enough damage to this country

  3. I guess China’s going to help create that 5 trillion...ha ha!

  4. Hey Joe (Biden), you could spend $500 Trillion and it won't make any difference on the climate but it will certainly cause loss of life to the world due to lowered living standards. Stupid liberal retard!

    1. global warming / climate change is a natural phenomenon, no amount of money can change that. Nature is relentless

  5. These Frigg'in Idiots !!!! Just WHERE the HELL is that

    going to come from ????? Not in this USA !!!

  6. What the donors want they get.

  7. Great chance to make money for the Biden Klan!

  8. I have a much better idea for cleaning up the globe. Bring all manufacturing that we exported, back to this country. Many of the countries that we exported manufacturing to have no or very little pollution regulations so by bringing it back to our shores will dramatically reduce manufacturing pollution!!!

  9. There's enough hot air coming out of the DNC to double the rate of global warming.

  10. Oh great! He’s willing to spend our money. Just how much again?

  11. How many homes does Biden heat and cool. How many yards does he have fertilized to keep the landscaping looking good. How many boats does Biden have in his Florida residence that uses fuel. Why is it that taxpayers have to pay for climate control and not the rich politicians. How many wealthy play golf on green golf courses that fertilizers pollute water. My point I'd Biden is a big abuser of the environment and that taxpayers money would be his to spend.

  12. Somehow I think a big chunk of that $5 trillion will go up Hunter's nose.

  13. He is referring to the military spending for weather modification. Now we have an idea of how much money is being spent (currently).

  14. We could reduce emissions by at least 50% by shutting up liberals.

  15. Climate change IS the #1 threat to our national defense, economy and way of life. Deniers of this have their head in the sand.

    Think people , think

  16. But he can't spend 5 trillion to build the strong Southern border to protect us. Global warming efforts might as well throw the Federal Reserve Money out of planes, prove to us what their efforts on global warming have done tangible real evidence.

  17. Five trillion dollars would do more for global warming if it were used to curb uncontrolled breeding by the dominant infestation currently walking this planet.

  18. They plan to spray the atmosphere with nanoparticulates (coal fly ash) in order to reflect sunlight back into space.

    The $5Trillion will be a good start.

    1. Got to burn coal to get fly ash, smoke some more 5:18

  19. Is that when his son gets to set up the company that will fight it?

  20. Biden pandering to his billionaire donors who want to be triliionaires at our expense.

  21. It Proves Govt OVER TAXES ALL of us if they can Piss away

    that kind of $$$$$

    Maybe Taxes should be cut in half accross America !!!!!

  22. This IDIOT could not be elected dog catcher !!!! LOL

  23. He would STEAL 5 trillion $$$$$$


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