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Sunday, May 05, 2019

Trump could be the most honest president in modern history

Donald Trump may be remembered as the most honest president in modern American history. Don’t get me wrong, Trump lies all the time. He said that he “enacted the biggest tax cuts and reforms in American history” (actually they are the eighth-largest) and that “our economy is the strongest it’s ever been in the history of our country” (which may one day be true, but not yet). In part, it’s a New York thing — everything is the biggest and the best.

But when it comes to the real barometer of presidential truthfulness — keeping his promises — Trump is a paragon of honesty. For better or worse, since taking office, Trump has done exactly what he promised he would do.

Trump kept his promise to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, something his three immediate predecessors also promised yet failed to do. He promised to “crush and destroy ISIS,” and two years later he is on the verge of eliminating Islamic State’s physical caliphate. He promised to impose a travel ban on countries that he saw as posing a terrorist threat, and after several false starts the final version of his ban was upheld by the Supreme Court.



  1. bwahahaha, Trump tells the biggest lies of any POTUS in modern history. He still thinks he is on tv and can just make up any fantasy he wishes. Sad thing is he is RIGHT. You clowns believe all the nonsense he spews despite the facts staring you in the face. Case in point:

    He is NOT a self made billionaire;started out with millions of aid from daddy

    He did NOT turn the economy around; economy is following the same trends it had been going for years.

    Mueller is NOT conflicted and the investigation was NOT illegal: check his record of public service yourself and even Trumps own team vouches for the legality of the report

    This list could go on all night.

    1. The article admits he is a liar, but then calls him honest. Don’t you get it, moron. Trump is an honest man who lies every day.

    2. Obama Crooked BastardoApril 29, 2019 at 5:39 PM

      None of them are honest. At least this one Lies Less than the one before him.
      3:45 Suffering from DTS? There is a cure for that.

    3. 3:45- Wait, why are you laughing when he is successful and is the leader of the free world, and we all support it? How is that successful on your part to relegate a DR Evil laugh? You're laughing because we are getting exactly what we wanted? Okay, laugh all you want! Seriously, why is your laugh like Dracula? Peculiar!

      Yes, he is a self made billionaire. If I had a few thousand given to me, and turned it into a million, I would call myself a self made millionaire. My question is, how did he turn about 14 million in 1980's dollars into a presidency? Sounds smart to me!

      You stated a bunch of words about Mueller that makes no sense, but I have no doubt you have a list of many other moronic statements "to make all night".

  2. 3:45 - Still waaay better than that POS turd that he replaced (and you probably voted for...twice)!

  3. I would honestly die for him.

  4. 3:45, you have obviously been Indoctrinated in the Government/Public School System...Indoctrination tells you what to think as Education teaches you how to think for yourself...

    Take a DEEP Breath, step back and gather yourself to the point of calmness. Do some REAL investigation work on your own and Practice Critical Thinking Skills. Perhaps you will get a new, fresh perspective and see the world as it really is.

    1. 4:48 You are spot on! 3:45 wouldn’t like Trump if he cured cancer cause he’s blinded by hate.

  5. Did you read the entire article? Or did the headline send you into a screaming fit?

    The article clearly states that Trump could be the most honest president based on following through with his campaign promises. There is no denying it. Which is a welcomed change from the political norm of just "Promise everything & basically lie" your way through the election.

    Yes, he does say dumb things. He is not a polished politician who is conditioned to always say the correct thing. This is why Trump won.

  6. He's Not a frigg'in POLITICIAN (crook) !!! That's why
    Esp Demon-crat !!!!

  7. 3:45 is right. And maybe someday Trump’s (and Fox News) loyal followers will understand that the only person Donald Trump cares about is Donald Trump. And while he’s at it he’s turned the US into the laughingstock of the world.

    1. In the mean time our president is MAGA !!!

    2. 5:24 he’s turned the US into a laughing stock? No sorry sweetie Obama did that. I love how you comment how bad Trump is. How dishonest you think he is. I’d be willing to bet you voted for Obama twice🙄. Did Trump becoming President make you realize just how crooked our politicians are?? If so where the f have you been the last 30-40 years. There’s not a politician out there who is trustworthy or cares about the American people or hasn’t lied. Nor is there a politician out there who hasn’t become a millionaire off the taxpayers back. Or lined their pockets through big banks and corporations. GTFOH with your fake outrage.

  8. 3:45. He's OUR President and you're not. Looking forward to President Trump's 2020 re-election and driving the snowflakes mad.

  9. Joe, I have no problem giving respect where it is due but this is just plain untrue. Look at what happened with Wikileaks. Assange gets arrested and Trump says he's never heard of wikileaks. Go back a few months in his campaign videos and its all about wikileaks.

  10. LOL that's the funniest damn thing I've seen all day thanks Joe

  11. Let's see, obama gave $150 billion to the largest sponsor of terrorism in the world and biden is making money from china who is stealing from us daily and some of you don't like Trump, who is one of the few Presidents to every keep campaign promises?

  12. ACLU says Obama was the worst first amendment president in history.

  13. Would rather have Trump a thousand times over than that piece of crap obummer.

  14. At least we have someone that doesn't kiss everybody's ASS!! At some point we have to say enough is enough. He just says what everyone else is afraid to say

  15. Trump ,....Honest ???Now that is funny

  16. No, it's Obama. Don't believe me? Just ask him. HaHaHaHa...

  17. Well it's about time someone admitted that Trump lies, and most certainly exaggerates the truth. This should be OBVIOUS, and is to most of America, for some reason the "Cult of Trump", as it were, can not conceive of his holiness doing any wrong.

    But to claim he is "the most honest?" No. Not even close. Lets compare his promises kept, broken, compromised, and stalled in his first two years of office against Obama's promises, according to Politifact.

    Obama: 26%
    Trump: 17%

    Obama: 7%
    Trump: 18%

    Obama: 8%
    Trump: 11%

    Still working-
    Obama: 15%
    Trump: 27%

    If the conclusions by the author here are the Trump does what he says and is honest... then the author MUST also conclude that Obama is not only as honest and does what he promises... but even more honest and better at keeping promise than what Trump.

    Contrary to what he says... Trump isn't the best at everything ever... but I'm sure he would disagree.

  18. And maybe someday Trump’s (and Fox News) loyal followers will understand that the only person Donald Trump cares about is Donald Trump.

    April 29, 2019 at 5:24 PM:

    Yeah, and that's why he doesn't even take his Presidential salary, right? He donates it! Show me any other president in history that has done that. There aren't any. You are blinded by your TDS. You cannot fathom a non politician president that is ONLY concerned about what is best for America and our prosperity. He's a billionaire, he doesn't need the job. Maybe someday YOU'LL understand why he does it.

  19. My father used to say that Nixon was crooked because he had to be,because that was the only way he could correct things following previous administrations.Trump has proven his theory wrong.Sorry dad.

  20. April 29, 2019 at 3:45 PM;

    Wow! You are grossly uninformed about Donald Trump and his success as a businessman. He started out with a million dollars from his father, and turned it into billions! What he YOU done that is similar. It would be like your dad giving you 100 dollars (I'm sure he did at some time in your life) and you turning it into millions. Yeah, right (not). You don't have a clue about his success, or how to run a country. The best you had in the last election was the most corrupt politician in the country, and she lost. You are in great denial of the direction he is taking the country. Keep watching CNN. It's rotting your brain.

  21. And while he’s at it he’s turned the US into the laughingstock of the world.

    April 29, 2019 at 5:24 PM:

    No, that was your man Obama. He was the one that went on an apology tour, backed the Arab Spring uprising in the middle East, bowed down to other world leaders, etc. Obama was impotent Jimmy Carter on steroids. Donald Trump is getting the world's respect for our country and our power. Giving all that money (billions!) and a deal that allowed them to continue their nuclear ambitions to "Death to America" Iran; yeah right, THAT was your hero. Your man Obama was the laughingstock, not Trump. They tread lightly dealing with Trump. We are are not to be trod upon with Trump in the White House, like we were with Obama. How about Hillary's state department and the over run of our Embassy in Libya, and the murder of our Ambassador and his aides? Nothing but words and lies from Obama and Hillary. Yeah, that's right, Obama made the USA the laughingstock, not Trump. Maybe you'll get it someday. It's what "Making America Great Again" is all about. You won't catch Trump bowing down to any other country's king as the leader of the greatest nation on earth. It's hard to believe that someone like you can be so delusional. Trump supporters don't "see" what you see. We see what IS, and not what CNN tells you to see.

  22. April 30, 2019 at 2:13 PM:

    Big fan of CNN and fake news, I see. Take off the blinders and see the truth. But you can't, because you are blinded by the hate espoused upon you by the corrupt establishment of the MSM and our corrupt politicians. Trump isn't one of them, and it's making you crazy. You don't have to like him, and you don't have to hate him, but just take a breath and sit back and watch what he's doing FOR OUR COUNTRY! There is no self aggrandizement in what Trump is doing. And that is quite different than anyone else you've seen in the White House in your lifetime.


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