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Friday, April 05, 2019

'Kidnapper', 20, is accused of holding teen captive for a YEAR, getting her pregnant and beating her until she had a miscarriage

A 20-year-old West Virginia man has been arrested for abducting a teenager, holding her hostage for a year, impregnating her and beating her so severely that she miscarried.

Brian Merchant-Jones, from Fairmont, is in custody on charges including murder of the fetus and kidnapping.

Court records say the juvenile girl had been a runaway since March 2018 and was found on March 27. She told authorities last week that she had been with Merchant-Jones the entire time.

She said Jones assaulted her almost daily and limited her contact with the outside world.

Court papers state that the girl 'believed severe physical harm would befall her if she attempted to leave'.



  1. This is legal now in New York, right?

  2. Well at least she did not have to suffer the shame of abortion.

  3. He was just doing the "Joe Biden" on her.

    If he is a registered Democrat it's all is good.

  4. Northwest Woodsman: “ Male Usual”. I suspected it before reading the article. Sounded like typical behavior I would expect from that demographic


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