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Friday, April 05, 2019

Dems Double Down on Anti-Trump Witch Hunt

They say Barr is hiding Mueller evidence damaging to Trump, while demanding tax returns.

On Wednesday, the Democrat bagmen at The New York Times published a hit piece on Attorney General William Barr suggesting that his summary report of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation “failed to adequately portray the findings of their inquiry.” The Times based its report on unnamed sources claiming that Barr’s summary left out information that is “potentially more damaging” for President Donald Trump than his summary indicated.

This serves as just the latest example of Democrats’ refusal to accept reality and facts. When they don’t like the truth, they simply reject it and spin a false narrative purely for their own political aims. In this instance, they still refuse to accept that Trump won the election fair and square or that his presidency is legitimate. For the two years of Mueller’s investigation, both Democrats and the Leftmedia repeatedly asserted that the investigation’s findings would prove to the nation that Trump was guilty of both collusion with Russia and obstruction of justice.

However, since Mueller found no evidence to support either of these two narratives, it has instead served to exonerate Trump, who has long insisted he was innocent and the victim of a Democrat-initiated witch hunt. Democrats are scrambling to save the narrative and their own credibility by demanding to see the full report immediately, as they assert that Barr is hiding something. In an attempt to give weight to the Democrats’ latest spurious claim, and to defend its own peddling of fake news about Russian collusion, the Times dropped this article obviously intended to undermine the credibility of Barr’s summary report.



  1. keeping us distracted with fake newsApril 5, 2019 at 7:52 PM

    if they dont

    they know Obama and Hillary will go to jail

  2. Poor kids, they just can't fathom an honest, forthright President.

    Such a shame they can't find someone like him within their own ranks to run against him...

    Poor kids...

  3. It is Time America Doubles Down on Demon-crats !!!!!

  4. Democrats don't care about America or the American people they only care about making sure Democrats stay in power,they would shred the constitution and be satisfied with a one party government as long as it was Democrats in charge. It wouldn't be long before every right we have come to believe in and expect would be gone, We Americans, Democrats and Republicans had better wake up to the fact there is a movement under way to destroy America as we know it.

  5. It's genius holding the Mueller report back and watching Democrats dig a deeper hole with made up stories and overreaching their authority.


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