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Friday, April 05, 2019

Democrats Court Al Sharpton; Ignore Past of Racism, Antisemitism, Incitement

Democratic presidential candidates are descending on New York City to court Al Sharpton at his National Action Network (NAN) convention this week, ignoring Sharpton’s long history of racism, antisemitism, and incitement.

All of the major declared candidates for the 2020 Democratic nomination — and some potential candidates — are attending Sharpton’s conference, a remarkable fact at a time when many are also voicing concerns about extremism.

According to CBS News:

Presidential candidates speaking at the National Action Network convention on Wednesday include former Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke, businessman Andrew Yang and former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro.

Stacey Abrams, who narrowly lost the gubernatorial race in Georgia last year and is currently mulling a presidential bid, is also speaking Wednesday afternoon. On Thursday, Rep. John Delaney and South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg are speaking at the convention.



  1. they can All go to Hell Together !!!!

  2. The Dems will do anything to get elected.

  3. Why haven't US Marshals arrested this piece of shit for tax evasion?

  4. They are so desperate to get the black vote, they'll sign a contract with the Devil.

  5. The democrats are the devil! Plain and simple.

  6. They should all be embarrassed that their speeches were public. Not only do they look like fools but hypocrites pandering to African Americans. I am not black, but as a fellow American I would be ashamed to sit and listen to that weak and faux contrition. In my opinion, African Americans are being USED once again as pawns; these idiots do not give one iota about blacks. This is merely a tactical ploy to get your vote, that is all that matters. And, and, the "reverend" Al has become very wealthy off your backs. He is lying to you and is keeping you down. Dr. Ben Carson would make a much better role model; he actually cares about you.


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