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Sunday, March 03, 2019

Yesterday's Bypass Accident


  1. Everyone on scene did a great job.

  2. Loose stuff in your trunk becomes missiles in a front end crash. If you're going 60 mph, that stuff will be traveling at 60 mph until something stops it.

  3. If these were your loved ones in this accident, how would you feel about seeing these pictures?

    1. I would not have a problem with it. Use it as a educational tool for your kids on how not to drive. I also know of several people whose family members were in accidents and they want to see the car. Also you do realize that not all the damage to the car is from the accident. They cut the roof off and other things to make access to the patient, so they were able to extricate and treat the patient.

    2. Talk to SFD since they post a lot of pictures of accidents, fires, etc

  4. You mean if you are HIT at 60+mph by a driver w license suspended for 2nd time??

  5. Traveling more like 80 mph + diffidently not 60 mph. That driver should be in jail that hit this car.

  6. Guarantee she was texting or something. For her to have this much damage to the front end of her car by hitting another car that was moving at least 65mph. She must have been going 100mph and didn't even attempt to brake.

  7. February 27, 2019 at 2:57 PM
    I agree with you.
    It serves no purpose.
    I guess the firemen needed a pat on the back for doing their job?

  8. The personnel on scene did an outstanding job. Excellent work by the members of the SFD !!!!

  9. Anonymous said...
    Everyone on scene did a great job.

    February 27, 2019 at 2:43 PM

    Waiting an hour and 10 minutes for transport. What rock are you under?

  10. Anonymous said...
    The personnel on scene did an outstanding job. Excellent work by the members of the SFD !!!!

    February 27, 2019 at 5:15 PM

    How do you know?? Or are you just saying that to cover your a$$ because the truth came out about their major F ups on the original post. Get a live Douche Ba paid Farmin!

    1. ^ “life”
      ^^ “Bag”
      If your gonna try and insult someone, put forth a little effort and try to do it right.

  11. Just checked case search. It lists 1 ticket for failure to reduce speed for this accident. $130 fine. That is it??? REALLY?? She was also driving on a suspended license. Who does she know at the state police that they let her get away with this little of a punishment.

  12. I know the ppl that got hit. Apparently the driver at fault was doing close to 100 mph. The man impaled is going to make it. Lithe crowbar punctured his small intestine. He is still in the hospital but he wants to come home now lol. He can't obviously .

  13. 4:19 cops can't be charge for things they can't prove. All they know is that she failed to reduce speed to avoid an accident. When the crash report is compiled and completed, then other charges might be able to be proven.


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