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Sunday, March 03, 2019

Md. bill would allow some noncitizens to be police officers

WASHINGTON — Maryland state Sen. Cheryl Kagan has introduced “The Freedom to Serve Act,” which would allow some noncitizens to become police officers in Maryland.

Kagan, a Democrat from Montgomery County, told members of the Senate Judiciary Proceedings Committee on Wednesday that the bill would not be a mandate, and that departments that did not want to open their candidate classes to noncitizens would not be required to do so.

If passed, the process would be open to legal, permanent residents who served honorably in the U.S. military. Currently, officer candidates must be U.S. citizens in Maryland.

Montgomery County Police Chief Tom Manger testified in favor of Senate Bill 853, explaining that the number of police officer candidates has dropped in recent years.

“Last year, we had 300 fewer applicants than we did 10 years ago,” he told members of the committee.

Manger called the change a win-win-win.



  1. Any political hack in Maryland vote yes should be called out every wakening moment until they leave office. Enough is enough with Maryland LIBUTARD DEMOCRATS.

  2. how screwed up can the democrats get , this is the bottom of the barrel .

  3. Typical female response to a problem. Join the ranks with the ignorant females in washington.

    1. This female's response is that this bill is as ignorant as you are.

    2. The typical "liberal" response to a problem, not typical female response 8:26. If you disagree, You are part of the problem

  4. What a ridiculous law how could this pass. Maybe she'll fall victim to this. Not wishing ill on anyone but how will this make us safer?

  5. Look I am very much in support of a boarder wall and I am very much against illegal Aliens but allowing a Permanent Legal Resident who came into this country legally and played by the rules the right to work as a police officer should be a good thing.

    All to often the libtards keep saying conservatives are against immigrants and most of us say its not the legal immigrants we have a problem with its the illegal aliens that are the issue.

    So now something comes up that allows those who played by the rules and came here legally and want to be a contributing member of our society and its still wrong ? Attitudes like that only prove those liberal idiots right and I am not wanting to give them any ammo considering they make up enough crap as it is.

    A Permanent Legal Resident is allowed to serve in the military so why couldn't they be a police officer ? I say we show them that we fully support those who do things the right way. Its a great way to demonstrate that our issue is not with Immigrants its with the illegal ones.

  6. Civil war is coming.

    1. 9:06- The 50th time this week with your same comment. You stupid or something?

  7. Won’t this make it easier for non citizens to obtain a gun?

    1. Yes 9:10, the non citizen police officer confiscates one from a legal citizen and sells or gives it to their illegal non citizen friend.

  8. The follow-up bill WILL mandate hires across the state. Just wait for it.

  9. Next illegals Will be Deporting AMERICANS.

  10. Northwest Woodsman: First they change the hiring policy, then comes the lowering of both physical standards and mental standards then comes theft and corruption order color of law. These proposed candidates will not demonstrate the same ethical and moral qualities required for a law enforcement officer. Have personally seen this stupidity in practice.


  11. Careful readers will note two aspects to the bill under consideration: Candidates will have prior US military experience, and will also have Permanent Resident (Green Card) status.

    In short, they volunteered for the military, and passed muster for the Green Card. Sound like high quality prospects to me.

  12. Oh gosh, what a hunky dory idea! That's just swell.

  13. "Montgomery County Police Chief Tom Manger testified in favor of Senate Bill 853,"

    Wait! These Libtards are telling Sheriff Mike Lewis to resign because he refuses to comply with their unconstitutional laws, but this coward police chief and libtard delegates and senators refuse to comply with Federal Immigration laws?? What the Hell is wrong with that picture!

  14. A few commenters of put on here that it's not "illegals" but permanent green card holders. My question is, why not apply to be a full citizen?

  15. "If passed, the process would be open to legal, permanent residents who served honorably in the U.S. military."

    Who, but a full fledged bigot, could be opposed to this proposal?


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