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Friday, March 22, 2019

Sharpton: Trump Kowtowing to ‘Core White Constituents’ — Will Not Call Out Racists and Bigots

Wednesday on the “Tom Joyner Morning Show,” MSNBC host Al Sharpton said President Donald Trump only cared about “his core white constituents,” and therefore he will not attack racists and bigots.

Sharpton said, “As we look at what has been transpiring around the whole question of 50 people being killed in New Zealand, now we have been dealing with this for over a week, and we have not yet heard this president reach out to the Muslim community in this country. And by name deal with the Islamophobia and anti-immigration spirit that the one responsible for this charged by police in New Zealand had expressed.”



  1. Maybe he should concentrate om paying some of his taxes.

  2. Perhaps we should insist that POTUS call out the true, real racists and bigots in this country.......the Al Sharpton's and Elijah Cummings and Omar and AOC and the other true racists.

  3. Of all the people to criticize our President . Put in jail for tax evasion.

  4. This coming from the biggest no tax paying bigot there is
    More trash from the trashman's vile mouth
    He doesn't even matter to anyone anymore who has half a brain

  5. Is that all they have"racist". Bunch of dumb jerks.

  6. Feeeelings, nothing but feeeeelings.

  7. He needs to pay his taxes Insurance is fat mouth

  8. All the racists and bigots are in the Democrat Party

  9. How many of the most recent white mass shooters praised Trump?

  10. Didn't Obama cow to blacks ????? Aka welfare.

  11. I'm tired of hearing people say islamophobia a phobia by definition is an irrational fear of something it's not your rationale to fear or be cautious around anybody associated with Islam because of what history has proven people yelling Allah Akbar before committing mass murder it's not an irrational fear. People being killed over being a non believer or saying unkind words about a child abusing pedophilic narcissist like Muhammad.

  12. Sharp doesn't mention the 120 Christians killed by Muslims in Sudan in the past 2-3 weeks or the fact that Trump isn't calling out Muslims for the killings. I wonder why. Little racism on your part there Al.

  13. Sharpton is the worst racist in this country's history, and the worst American to think that he still has an opinion and is given any attention at all by any media is just stupid pay your taxes and go to the southern border escorted by border guards with guns you fool.


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