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Friday, March 22, 2019

Wave of legislation on wages, tobacco and beer passes General Assembly

ANNAPOLIS — Minimum wage workers in Maryland will eventually earn $15 an hour, the state Senate and House agreed on Wednesday.

Each chamber approved a compromise bill that will increase the minimum non-tipped wage from $10.10 an hour to $15 an hour by 2025. The bill will head next to the desk of Gov. Larry Hogan (R).

“We are getting it up to $15 an hour. That’s a win,” Sen. Ron Young (D-Frederick) said after the vote.

However, there will be no wage increase for tipped workers, and non-tipped workers in businesses with fewer than 14 employees will not reach $15 an hour until 2026. The slower phase-in for small businesses remained a point of concern for Young, who said $15 an hour then might not be worth much more than $10.10 is now.



  1. Just going to put more people out of work when businesses have to cut hours to meet the wage. No common sense involved in these decisions being made by liberal idiots that run this state. Can't wait to be form here.

  2. Hogan will not veto so look out for higher prices and I get no pay raise.

  3. Northwest Woodsman: Employees that will be happy with $15.00 per hour will not be so happy when their hours are reduced to make up the difference.

  4. Why do "we the people" tolerate elected officials over stepping their bounds?
    They - who in most cases have never run a business nor had to make payroll - are the authorities on what we should be paying our employees!!!! Is this really what they were elected to do. Just because they think something is a good idea, why should they be allowed to turn it into a law? This is getting out of control - They are in every aspect of our lives and still aren't satisfied.

  5. they wont be happy when the price of everything goes up in price to pay for the wage increase


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