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Friday, March 22, 2019

Montgomery Co. Public Schools to look into more ‘all-gender’ bathrooms

Montgomery County Public Schools, Maryland’s largest school system, plans to look into the cost of of putting more “all-gender” bathrooms in schools.

“We’ll take a look at retrofit as well as construction,” Montgomery County Public Schools CEO Andrew Zuckerman told school board members at a meeting last week.

Zuckerman brought up the issue after a Bethesda mother of two high school children asked the board to consider it.

She said it should be considered for children who are uncomfortable about using gender-specific restrooms.



  1. Will be first parents to complain when their child is sexually assaulted in one of the shared bathrooms.

  2. Is this the same Al Sharpton that promotes racism and bigotry? Is this the same Sharpton that owes thousands in back taxes? Is this the same Sharpton that is not held accountable or jailed for these crimes? He has no right to coitize any one.

  3. Teacher, teacher, I gotta go pee.........bad!

  4. When I attended Pocomoke Primary School 1957 to 1959 all the bathrooms were "all gender" and I don't recall any big deal about it.

    1. What did the use,an outhouse?

    2. You have a clouded memory 11:11

  5. Why not just have a bunch of individual bathrooms and be done with it

  6. This will be when teen rapes start ?.

  7. Too many resources have been and continue to be spent on this non-issue. Bathroom is a bathroom. Biggers issues to addresses! Crowding, ridiculous Common Core....FREE Community college (which WE all end up paying in taxes), etc., etc.

  8. Wait until the girls start complaining that some scumbag peed on the toilet seat.You can be sure it will happen because it happens all the time in men's rooms now. Some of those scumbags don't even flush the toilet and wash their hands fuggetaboutit.


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