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Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Maryland voters rally to support gerrymandering case

WASHINGTON — Maryland voters, political groups and state elected officials all rallied together outside the Supreme Court Tuesday morning to support a case being heard on partisan gerrymandering in the state’s congressional districts.

Held on the steps of the Supreme Court, the Fair Maps Rally, sponsored by Common Cause and the League of Women Voters, drew hundreds of supporters to raise public awareness of transparent redistricting and to protest against unfair congressional districts in states across the country.

While supporters chanted and spoke outside for several hours, oral arguments for two Supreme Court cases on gerrymandering were heard inside.

The Maryland case, Benisek v. Lamone, focused on whether the redistricting of the state’s 6th Congressional District was constitutional after the district map was redrawn in 2011 following the release of 2010 political census data, flipping it from being a solid Republican district to majority Democratic in the 2012 election.


1 comment:

  1. Who will be conducting this redistricting? Crooked Hogan wants Obama and Holder to be involved, so it has been reported. So what is going to change and what is the Republican plan? Hogan needs no thing to do with it since he has done nothing to assist the Republican agenda.


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