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Wednesday, March 27, 2019


Social Security Administration (SSA) officials paid nearly $42 million to about 500 dead people in three states, according to Office of the Inspector General audits released in March.

Around 70 million people received more than $1 trillion of economic assistance through Social Security programs in fiscal year 2018. Payments end when the beneficiary dies, however.

The SSA identified 160 individuals who had possibly died, with 57 from Michigan from 1971 through 2010 and 103 from Maryland from 1979 through 2015. Around $16.9 million in payments were issued to 145 individuals who reportedly died in these states. The remaining 15 were alive.

There was an instance where a woman received payments for a person who died in 2000 and used it for personal benefit. She pleaded guilty for theft and was required to pay nearly $170,000 back to SSA. Another person also received Social Security benefits that was posted under the deceased person’s record since 1997. The beneficiary had died in 1974.



  1. and the walking dead collecting even more

  2. It's way more then that. And there's a hell of a lot of identity theft as well. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/federal-eye/wp/2015/03/10/thousands-of-u-s-workers-older-than-100-that-might-be-social-security-fraud/?utm_term=.365774912e44

    "A recent watchdog review found that at least 6.5 million active Social Security numbers belong to people who are at least 112 years old and likely deceased. Only 35 living individuals worldwide had reached that age as of October 2013, according to the Gerontology Research Group."

  3. How long does a loved one need to be gone before I can file? It would be better to collect some green so the damnocrats will believe they are living and not vote for them.

  4. How many is being charged or in jail plus paying restitution even if they have to lose everything and get a job?

  5. Yep, it's hard for some people to tell Social Security to stop sending free money to bank accounts that they control. They think it's up to Social Security to figure it out. That's why most funeral homes will sent Social Security a copy of a death certificate, knowing that families won't do it (and it is required by law in many places). It is fraud to collect Social Security on the deceased. Getting caught means either jail time, or having to pay it all back to the government, or both. It is stupid people that don't notify Social Security, and think they will get away with it forever.

  6. Pity the people who die before they get out of SS what they put in. Their survivors should get the remainder in a lump sum.

  7. March 27, 2019 at 1:41 PM:

    Social Security is a tax, not a bank account. When eligible, Social Security becomes an entitlement, paid for by current taxpayers and their employers, and it is not a return on investment. All one has to do to get all their taxes back, is to live long enough. By one's mid-eighties, they are getting back more than they paid in during their working years (but not all of what their employers paid in on the employee's behalf). Smoke and get fat, give up your Social Security and Medicare entitlements that you paid for during your working years. Don't blame the government for your loss.

  8. And they all vote dumbocrat

  9. This Corruption has been going on for MANY years and We the People have been BEGGING for it to be Cleaned Up...to no avail. A Travesty to be sure.

  10. March 27, 2019 at 12:21 PM;

    You file when YOU are eligible, if you are collecting on your "loved" one's benefits. You can file as early as 62 years old, and you will collect 1/2 of 68% of your loved one's benefit. Wait until you're 67, and you can file for 1/2 of 100 % of your loved one's benefit.

  11. Most don't realize that Social Security is life insurance. If you die while you have living minor children, your spouse can collect for their self, and the children, from your SS account. Shhh, don't tell your life insurance salesman that. He wants you to think your kids will be homeless and starve to death without you. Just give him a monthly stipend for him to bet you are going to live, while you bet you are going to die. Guess who the odds are in favor of? One thing for sure, YOU will never see a dime of any benefit that is paid. With social security, all you have to do is live long enough (and work enough during your life to qualify), and you will see a return. Quit paying your life insurance premiums, and you (and your family) get nothing.


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