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Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Duke Whistleblower Gets More Than $33 Million In Research Fraud Settlement

Duke University is paying the U.S. government $112.5 million to settle accusations that it submitted bogus data to win federal research grants. The settlement will also bring a $33.75 million payment to Joseph Thomas, the whistleblower who drew attention to the fraud when he worked for Duke.

Thomas, a former Duke lab analyst, sued the university on behalf of the federal government, saying that a Duke researcher fudged data to help the university win and keep lucrative grants from two agencies, the National Institutes of Health and the Environmental Protection Agency.

The dozens of grants in question covered the study of the lung function of mice. The Justice Department says Thomas' lawsuit alleged that "between 2006 and 2018, Duke knowingly submitted and caused to be submitted" claims to federal agencies that were unknowingly paying grant money for falsified research data. It adds that while the agreement settles the court case, it does not mean Duke has been determined liable.



  1. So when people say "it is settled science", how can we believe them. How many other research data has been falsified over the years?

  2. He should get the $ good for him, the system was not fair, and fair admissions should be available because of merit, studies and test results. A student who has always worked hard to achieve, and really wants to attend college to advance into a good career, should be considered instead of someone who just wants to party, or parents financial end game.

  3. She moves her body like cyclone...

  4. And I will be in debt for the rest of my life because of college costs ? Complete insanity !

  5. Here is one 12:03 pm, Global warming... Why do you think they went from a mini ice age talk to global warming, to now climate change??? You can't argue about climate change becasue the climate and weather change every day, hell even the weather people can't predict it accurate so what does that tell you???? Of course it will get cool or hot; aka change... But there is no fact or science behind our planet supposedly getting cooler or hotter, unless in retrospect to the sun flares... It seems to cool when we have less of them, and warm up when we have more of them...

  6. The next big scandal to face this country is how corrupt the universities are.


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