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Sunday, March 10, 2019

Maryland Gov. Hogan: 'Never Say Never' to Trump Challenge

Republican Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan said Monday that he doesn't yet believe President Donald Trump is vulnerable in a primary, but he's still considering launching a challenge because "things could change."

In an interview with The Associated Press at a National Governors Association regional meeting in Iowa, Hogan said, "I have a real important day job. I'm not someone who would just run just to make a statement. I'd have to believe there was an actual path to victory."

Hogan, who won re-election last fall, said he had no political events planned for his two-day visit to the state but acknowledged he was fielding calls from Republican "thought leaders, donors and some elected officials" asking him to challenge Trump.



  1. This man is a traitor to the GOP, leave Trump alone you useless piece of shit Hogan!

  2. Go ahead RINO Hogan make Trump's Day .

  3. Democrats are united with one thought one brain lock step. Republicans are zombies with only a few warriors...

  4. What a moron! I have a better chance than he does!!

  5. Uncle Fester needs to try and fight the Dems wrecking this state and leave the President alone

  6. Donald Trump OR Larry Hogan? I'm staying with the Donald.


  7. Fuhget about it, Larry. Get back on task for the benefit of Maryland.

    If you're not successful on our behalf you'll have as much national traction as your predecessor.

    Run for Senator.

  8. Here's all the political clout of an overcooked noodle.

  9. Nothing but a democrat
    End of conversation

  10. Go ahead FATHEAD. Let the Voter's prove to you how popular your not. You have a better chance getting pregnant.

  11. I voted for you twice and prayed reference your cancer. I am disappointed because you ran on gun rights and forgot that once in office. You have bad mouthed out president the whole time and done hardly nothing positive since first few days in office with tolls. I will not support you in any run in the future.

  12. Larry look at who your opponent was in the last election. A lot of people voted for you because you were the lesser of two evils, don't let that go to your head.

  13. Republican in Maryland will vote for a Democrat before they vote for RINO Hogan again, no matter what office he runs for next.

  14. Love you Hogan, but I will support Trump first!


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