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Sunday, March 10, 2019

Levi Strauss CEO Goes Full Anti-Gun, Paying Employees to ‘Volunteer’ for Gun-Control Organizations

In the best attempt to date to unseat Edward Stack as the nation’s Virtue Signaler in Chief, Levi Strauss’s CEO Chip Bergh bravely announced this week his company’s support of “youth activists” working to end the “gun violence epidemic” in America and encouraged other “business leaders” to do the same.

“As business leaders with power in the public and political arenas, we simply cannot stand by silently when it comes to the issues that threaten the very fabric of the communities where we live and work,” he said in a recent op-ed published by Fortune. “While taking a stand can be unpopular with some, doing nothing is no longer an option.”

Naming his brand among the “pioneers of the American West” and the “great symbols of American freedom,” Bergh outlines three ways he’s hoping to restrict the constitutional rights of his fellow Americans.

First, he plans to establish the Safer Tomorrow Fund, which will dole out $1 million in “philanthropic grants” to “nonprofits and youth activists who are working to end gun violence in America.”
SEE ALSO: Dick’s Sporting Goods Stock Plummets 10 Percent After Poor Sales Numbers

Next, Bergh and his company will join Everytown for Gun Safety’s new Business Leaders for Gun Safety coalition. Roughly paraphrasing Everytown’s website, this group is working to join banks and other businesses doing their darndest to bankrupt gun companies and marginalize gun owners.

Finally, Bergh hopes to incentivize his employees to join him in his righteous crusade. Levi Strauss will double its usual employee donation match to anti-gun organizations and pay employees for sixty working hours per year (5 hours per month) to volunteer for the same organizations.

“We’re encouraging our employees to use their time to make an impact,” he said.



  1. In this great country everyone is entitled to express their opinion. I agree that some people, convicted felons and the mentally ill should not have the right to legally own guns. I wonder if the corporate offices of Levi Strauss have armed guards at their corporate office?

  2. Who cares?? I stopped wearing Levi Strauss in 1987. What FOOL pays 40 bucks or more for a pair of jeans??

  3. Buy Wranglers I guess.

  4. They make good clothing - but with this display of stupidity, they won't get any more of my business!

    1. Good clothing 8:10?! Their products have been fall-apart crap for at least years!

  5. Add Levi to the boycott list

  6. Hhmm. If i was an employee i would go, get paid and act as an agitator of the anti2A group.

    That sword he swings goes both ways.

  7. In one breath he boasts that his companies product helped pioneer the west and symbolic of freedom. Does the idiot realize that all was done with a Winchester rifle and colt pistol in the holsters as well?? F****** liberal idiots talking out of both sides of their faces as usual

  8. No more Levi jeans.

  9. It is time to start burning our Levi's and make the video public!

  10. Will never wear another Levi Strauss or apparel. Have destroyed them already when this became public a few months ago.

  11. Haven't bought anything from them since they moved to Mexico! That would be around 24 years ago; feck 'em!

  12. Over-priced garbage since the early nineties, if not before.

  13. i have not bought any in years. I want to see their sales plummet. i wont be buying any for the next coming years either.

  14. Northwest Woodsman: If you must have a pair, buy them from a thrift store. Some fool already paid for them and your money will go to a good cause. I just bought a pair that are virtually new, for $7.50!!


  15. Levi's also owns the Docker's brand.


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