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Sunday, March 10, 2019


Alice of the Worcester County Library of Berlin called. She cancelled the impeachment presentation this Wednesday.

Due to your efforts, the partisan propaganda event at the Berlin library has been cancelled.  Thank you for emailing and calling the library director and county commissioners. And a big thanks to those of you who indicated that you would attend the event and stand up for what you believe in. 


  1. She needs to be FIRED.

    1. Maybe the Snowflakes can assembly byside Rt50 E in front of Caribbean Joe's. See what happens then. They will probably get slaughtered like anti Trumpers at Steven Decatur High School over 3 years ago.

  2. She does not need to be FIRED, good for you Alice for cancelling this CRAP!!

  3. Librarians are weird anyway.

  4. I am so glad you stopped these Americans from exercising their right to assemble. Thanks for bringing the director and the county commissioners in to squelch these citizens First Amendment rights. You are a great patriot.

    1. 8:00 am, your ignorance is baffling. BAFFLING!!

    2. Why thank you. It is not called free speech that's what they call treason. You need to worry about the public you do not see winning and crying 3%

  5. She should lose her government job immediately.

  6. This should have never been scheduled or allowed in the first place. What is this country coming to anyway? People need to wise up and support this president who is doing a great job, certainly better than the liberal democrats have done in recent past years.

  7. She should be fired is she is the one that scheduled it originally.

  8. I cannot imagine a public entity paid for by all taxpayers ever considering allowing something like this to occur. Someone does need to be held accountable and it should never happen again anywhere. If you want an impeachment meeting do it at the DNC meeting place wherever that is.

  9. Can someone explain?

  10. Thank you, Alice.

  11. Thank you Alice. You made the right decision! Definitely was going to be a propaganda event with all the Trump haters there! I, for one was planning to attend in support of President Trump so thank you Alice for making the call and doing what was right!

    1. Thank you for keeping me out of trouble

  12. I for one think Trump is the best president I have ever seen. But I support free speech for both sides.

  13. I may not agree with the topic of this assembly, but I DO think that squashing their right gather and discuss is a clear violation of a consitutional right. It is no different than liberal Universities cancelling conservative speakers. Just because we do not agree with something does not mean it is wrong and should not be allowed. This country is going to shit.

  14. Aw just close all the libraries and sell the buildings. They've outlived their usefulness anyway. If you want to listen to presentations, stream it into your living room.


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