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Sunday, March 10, 2019

A Viewer Writes: Dr Khalil's Office, Mt Hermon Rd

I am wondering what has happened to him and his office since no one answers the phone and the recording is very obscure stating they are Mid Atlantic Primary Care but do not bother to tell you their office hours. I am wondering what has happened to my records and why I wasn't notified that he is out of business. Anyone know anything?


  1. There was an article in the free paper that comes in the mail a couple of weeks ago stating he was retiring and the practice would be taken over as of March 1st.

  2. Mid Atlantic Primary Care - Traci Church, DNP
    March 1 at 8:13 AM ·
    After many hours fretting over this, I have no other option but to announce that I will be unable to accept Priority Partners. They have decided that they are not credentialing any new offices.

    That being said I will be taking Maryland’s Physicians Care and Amerigroup and anyone who would like to stay with me will have to switch to one of those. This only affects Maryland Medicaid patients.

    We will be opening on March 4th as planned and we will be reaching out to patients and will assist you through the process.

    I will be taking Medicare and all the other commercial insurances. No changes on that front!

  3. I think I saw in the paper he retired There were instructions for patients to get their files In the Ad

  4. He is retiring with another person starting her business as physician assistant there.

  5. He just retired,which he was perfectly entitled to do.

  6. LOL these answers are a hoot.

    Ran an ad in the FREE paper? Are you kidding me? Which by the way did NOT tell you how or when to pick up your records.

    When my dentist retired he sent a letter, to me, to my home.

    Sure he can retire, we all can, so is there a reason for your attitude in your response?

    Obviously doctorless in the ghetto.

  7. He shut his practice down with only about 2 weeks notice.
    Traci Church has taken over the practice.
    She is wonderful
    Give her a try

  8. Case Information
    Court System: Circuit Court For Wicomico County - Civil
    Location: Wicomico Circuit Court
    Case Number: C-22-CV-17-000502
    Title: Wayne Ketterman, Sr., et al. vs. Fauzi Khalil, M.D., et al.
    Case Type: Tort - Malpractice Medical
    Filing Date: 12/18/2017
    Case Status: Open

    1. Was this really necessary? Would you like people to publish your business? And just curious,. Do you know if this is true? Or just someone out for something?

    2. Is this really necessary? Would you like people to publish your business? For that fact, do you even know if this is true or someone just trying to get something? So please think before you decide to do something like this again.

  9. I had no idea he was going to retire. I guess we will have to find another doctor. We have been going to him since he came to Salisbury.

    1. Good luck finding a doctor accepting new patients.

  10. The NP that took over the practice is great. I saw her today. Give her a chance. Looks like Khalil recently got sued for malpractice. Maybe that has something to do with his packing up and leaving.

  11. I know a lot of state employees and others will miss him. You could always get a sick slip from him for work...........you just had to go in and pay, and there you have it....a sick slip for work. Easy peasy.

  12. He is an AMAZING DOCTOR. It is sad to see him go. He has treated my family for years. Such a great man.

  13. Is this worrywart too busy trying to get her comment in a blog instead of calling Mid Atlantic Primary Care and find out where her doctor went? Or is this a fake post? Too easy to find out what happened instead of asking readers of a blog.

  14. Dr Khalil was a good doctor and actually took the time to listen. Had to find a new doctor after he hired the wildebeest biker bit** doing the insurance paperwork

    1. May I ask who you are referring to? Because I was there the last 2.5 years and am not a biker b&#$@

  15. Nurse Practitioners: 500 hours of clinical education.
    Physician Assistants: 2,000 hours of clinical education.
    Physicians: 20,000 hours of clinical education.

    Choose your health care provider wisely.

  16. He may have been a good Dr. but I know he would give you a script for whatever you asked for and that is not a good thing.I saw how he gave into my friends addiction for her "anxiety" that being said I was never treated by him so I only have what I saw her go thru and how she tried to convince me that he could fix everyday stresses of life, bills and parenthood by a small white pill. There I said it.

  17. I am sure Traci Church is a very nice person and I don't fault her for taking over his practice. I fault the system that allows Nurse Practitioners to practice independently. In light of the shortage of Primary Care Physicians, the government with their infinite wisdom decided they would fill the gap with physician extenders. Problem is, Nurse Practitioners are not physicians. Those Nurse Practitioners with a DNP are also not Physicians. Their education pales in the face of a basically trained physicians. They receive 500 hours of patient care training before they are certified. At most they may get 1200 hours. A physician receives a minimum of 12,000 hours and typically 20,0000 hours of direct patient care training along with 5,000 hours of intense classroom education. Nurse Practitioners are told that they are equal to physicians throughout their training and the problem is that they do not know what they do not know. Their scope of education is minimal and they are not taught to think outside of the box. The amount of human illness that they simply don't know exists is extensive. Nurse Practitioners that work under direct supervision of a physician is fine, when they work independently, that is scary. Yes, they may be touchy-feely, but when I am truly ill, I want knowledge not a pat on the head and a smile. Sorry, they are not for me and not for my loved ones.

  18. Traci is not new at this. Traci is a Doctor per she has a doctorate. She is well qualified. I have no doubt that she like any other Doctor, that if they dont know they will send you to somebody that does. Most doctors will have you gets test done to make a diagnosis if it is something bad enough or they dont know or to rule things out. Traci is quite capable of doing this. If you dont know her or her qualifications then please do not comment. She is a good person and loves the job she does. Do not make this harder for her then it needs to be. There is a shortage of Doctors. We need good people here. Give her a chance. She worked hard to get this....

    1. She does not have a doctorate in medicine. Anyone can get a doctorate in education. Dont confuse the two. She is not a medical doctor. Shes a Nurse practitioner.

  19. I'm a tell you all something. Some nurses know more then the physicans do. Many times a pharmacist in the drug store knows more about the drugs then these doctors do. If Traci Church was a man would you nay sayers still be negative?

  20. @March 8, 2019 at 7:57 PM. Oh come on. Give it a break will you? Sick and tired of hearing you fools complain about something that does not exist. Get a life.

  21. I'm sure there will be a few that disagree but doctors in this area are not the best anyway. Most, including some of their staff, think they are gods or something. Caring and bedside manners have all but disappeared. I have pretty much given up on them and any "healthcare" in this area.

  22. 8:49
    It's not just here. We have family in other areas and they are dealing with the same issues.

  23. The comment above regarding the education of Nurse Practitioners, PAs and Doctors was not personal regarding Traci Church. It is just factual. The comment that Nurses know more than Doctors is a joke. Could a Nurse know more about one particular topic in Medicine then a physician, sure I am certain that this is possible. However, a Nurse does not have more general medical knowledge than a basically trained physician. Also, I do not believe that Nurse Practitioners should practice independently. They should have oversight. They simply do not have the education. I wish Ms. Church well and I do hope that is she is able to recognize when she is in over her head and does not hesitate to refer her patients elsewhere. Finally, there are plenty of excellent physicians in this area and we are blessed to have them. Being a physician in today's era of greedy Insurance companies and a runaway Malpractice system is difficult. Physician burnout, early retirement and suicide is at an all time high. If you think that quality healthcare is difficult to find now, just wait until the government takes things over. You ain't seen nothing yet.

  24. These comments sadden me. Dr. Khalil was a good doctor, but that's my opinion. Medicine is not an exact science and things happen. I personally was left disabled after a surgery. Went in fir one thing and came out with a lifelong injury. You can say anything you want about Dr. Khalil, but here is my take. As far as giving you any medication that you want, I highly doubt that. Being injured after surgery, when certain pain meds didn't work, her recommended pain management. As I was misdiagnosed by multiple specialists in Phila for a swollen gland, it ended up being a really rare cancer that I almost lost my life to. Pretty scary stuff. Being the gentleman that Dr. Khalil was, rather than drug me up, he found other solutions. As far as my PTSD and anxiety, he knew what I was taking when I started going to his practice in 2005. He recommended another doctor that specialuzed in the area and that would monitor certain medications. E gave my 83 yr old mither great care and did everything he could, referred her to cetain specialties, etc. He aling with thise doctor's that he referred my mom to, gav her great care and she had good quality of life as a result. If it was out of his speciality, he referred you. People can not just speculate on his abrupt reasons for retiring. I see a malpractice suit was posted on here. I worked in the nedical field prior to becoming disabled. There wouldn't be any doctor's left if they had to retire because of 1 or two lawsuits. It's very unfortunate, but it hapoens. I am very saddened at the fact that he retired, but I just wanted to let those people that did not know him or that had been treated by him that he was a great doctor. Peace and blessings to all of you.

  25. I truly think that unless you truly know what you are talking about people, then you should keep your comments to yourself. Do not bash a wonderful physician, whom has been in practice for over 29 years. He was one of the most compassionate, caring, and knowledgeable people I have had the privilege of knowing. As for the lawsuit, did you ever stop to think, it may NOT have been of any fault of his? So please think before you start to run off at what you are completely oblivious to. And find something better to do than to put down good and honest people. Oh and as for telling anyone, yes it could have been done a little differently, but all that's required or even if it is required is to have the decency to put it in the paper which he did. So let the man have peace in his retirement, which he deserves. I'm really surprised and disappointed at some of you. All he did was care and try to help his patients.

    1. Thank you for the kind words about my father. He misses his patients dearly but I am so happy that he touched the lives of so many people and that I get the opportunity to follow in his footsteps.

  26. I went to Dr Khalil since he opened in Salisbury. He was a wonderful doctor and person. I was sad to see him go. We decided to give Traci a chance and are glad we did. She is very knowledgeable,great manner and if she dosent know she will refer you to one one who can help. Salisbury is lucky to have Traci

  27. I have been going to Dr. Khalil for over 20 years, I was going to give Traci Church a fair chance at being my new provider but after speaking with Tammy who works in the office this will never happen. Tammy was very rude and nasty regarding my issue and basically said if I did not like how she was handling the situation I could go to the immediate care. The sad thing is that I am a nurse and I would never treat my patients with this type of behavior. I am sorry Traci Church but I will be finding a new healthcare provider.


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